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SodaStream review:turn tap water into a delicious glass of sparkling water

If you prefer to drink sparkling water than regular tap water, it is worth reading this Sodastream review. Since the quality of our tap water in the Netherlands is so fantastic, you can make delicious sparkling water from normal flat tap water with the SodaStream. You don't have to try that during a holiday in Spain. With SodaStream you can now turn your glass of tap water into a fresh drink in no time – with bubbles. Handy for the normal weekday, but also for birthdays. And smart against a hangover and for the environment, check it out!

Update:March 2020

You buy a good Sodastream online here:

  • Media Market
  • Coolblue

Read more about the Soda Stream Spirit One Touch?

Table of Contents

With Sodastream you drink more; tap water instead of bottled water

It is of course great that the quality of drinking water in the Netherlands is so good. Yet we all still buy bottled water en masse. Shame! And also bad for the environment, because of all those plastic bottles that have to be produced. Tap water is therefore more environmentally friendly, but also a lot cheaper. Did you know that you only pay 2 euros for 1000 liters of tap water? About as much as for 2 bottles of bottled water. That's a bizarre difference, don't you think?

In addition, bottled water is not so healthy at all. It has been researched that 'people' reuse the bottles for too long without cleaning them properly. Then those bottles are full of bacteria. Yagh!

Is your excuse that you think 'flat water' is healthy, but just too boring and tasteless? In any case, that excuse no longer applies with the Sodastream! Of course, lemonade has been around for an eternity. Also handy if you want to add some extras to your water. But with the SodaStream we go a few steps further. This handy device adds carbon dioxide to your water itself.

Which Sodastream-models are available?

The Sodastream Black Power that we test below is currently no longer available. Fortunately, there are other models that are just as good. Personally, I think the Black Power is a fantastic device with a very nice design, but we also list the other Sodastream for you.

  1. Spirit Black
  2. Spirit White
  3. Christal White
  4. Chrystal Black
  5. Spirit Mega Pack
  6. Cool
  7. Spirit One Touch White
  8. Spirit One Touch Black
  9. Spirit Ice Blue
  10. Spirit Pink Blush

1. The Sodastream Spirit Black

With this model of Sodastream you will receive a plastic bottle and 1 SodaStream CO2 cylinder under license; good for max. 60L of sparkling water.

Price from € 59.00

2. The Sodastream Spirit White

Same model as above, only in white.

3. Chrystal White

This sparkling water device consists partly of high-quality precious metal. Together with the glass carafe (75 cl) that comes with this model, this version has a more luxurious appearance. Without snaplock system.

Price from € 129.00

4. Chrystal Black

Same model as above, but in black.

5. Spirit Mega Pack

A sodastream device with 3 supplied plastic bottles (2x 1 liter and 1x 0.5 liter). With snaplock system.

Price from € 99.00

6. cool

An older 'plastic model'. Seems to be no longer available in the Netherlands.

7. Spirit One Touch White

The latest version of Sodastream is the Spirit One Touch. Improved in quality and design.

You can find this sodastream from €89.99

8. Spirit One Touch Black

Same model as above, only in black.

9. The Sodastream Art, a new variant with a retro look

This Sodastream is slightly different from the others and works very handy I can say. To start with, this sparkling water maker has a retro look which is of course super cool. By pulling down the lever you bring the fizz into the water. With one pull of the lever you have light fizz and with three pulls you have the spa red sparkling water variant.

The great thing about this Sodastream Art is that it can be used without electricity. It uses the Quick Connect carbon dioxide cylinder which is really easy to use. You put this cylinder in your Sodastream device and you can get started right away. Keep in mind… the pink cylinder and the blue cylinder that is used in other variants, for example, are not interchangeable. Fortunately, they can both be exchanged for a deposit, so you can exchange your blue bottle and replace it with a Quick Connect carbon dioxide cylinder.

The Sodastream Art is available from € 117.00 and we really recommend it


There is also no shortage of accessories if you want to use the Sodastream. The carbon dioxide cylinders remain the property of Sodastream. As soon as your cylinder is empty, you can exchange it for a full one and you only pay for the carbon dioxide that is in it. This works the same as with gas bottles that you use at the campsite, for example.

What you will find in accessories to make Sodastream life even more pleasant varies from extra bottles (plastic or glass) to extra cylinders. And from flavors to loose caps and cleaning tablets.

My only bottle of Sodastream

We have had the Sodastream for years now and the sparkling water device is still used with great pleasure. In the summer a little more than in the winter, that is. A while ago, super nice single bottles from Sodastream came onto the market, the My Only Bottles. These are not only very nice because you keep the plastic disposable bottles to a minimum, but you can also easily take them with you.

These My Only Bottles from Sodastream have a handy handle so that you can easily carry the bottle. For example, we use them a lot when we go out for a day. Sometimes with sparkling water from the Sodastream, but sometimes also with regular water in it. They drink very pleasantly, wear well and I think the biggest advantage is that there is no aftertaste on the bottles. Not even now that we've been using them for a year. They can also be put in the dishwasher, which is also handy!

The My Only Bottles are available in the colors blue, pink and black and find it here

Glitched sodastream bottles

I want to show you my favorites. Above the reusable bottles are fantastic!

SodaStream:sparkling water instead of tap water

Do you like sparkling water? Then this gadget is a real must-have for you. You can change a bottle of tap water into delicious sparkling water in no time at all. And you can decide for yourself whether you want a lot or little bubbles:there are three gradations (light, medium and intensely fizzy), at least with the SodaStream Black Power that I have had at home for a while to test.

Also read:Drinking packets or a cup?

How do you use the SodaStream Black Power?

You simply fill the supplied bottle with tap water. Then click the bottle into the SodaStream device. Make sure to check whether it is properly attached to prevent the mop from having to be used. When you hear a 'click', you know it's in the right place.

Choose whether you want a lot of bubbles or a little (intense sparkling is comparable to Spa red and the lightest form of sparkling water is a bit à la Marie Henriette). Press and hold the button. And your sparkling water is ready! You can optionally add a flavor if you don't want regular sparkling water, but prefer to drink some kind of soft drink. These are also available at SodaStream.

You will also find recipes on their site to make the most delicious sparkling drinks. Only add the flavor after you have brought the water to fizz, otherwise your bottle will overflow when adding carbon dioxide. You hand in the cylinder, in which the carbon dioxide is supplied, for a new one after use. A kind of 'deposit' principle:you only pay for the gas that is in it. And that is good for the environment and your wallet.

Review SodaStream Black Power

I can say that the SodaStream is frequently used by us. Not in the least because of my son, who, as a purebred teenager, can't stay away from soft drinks.

Benefit using SodaStream:

  • You never have to run out of sparkling water and your children can always drink a glass of bubbles if they want.
  • Making a bottle with sparkling water is really as easy as described above.
  • You can use an exchange cylinder for a very long time (you can make about 60 liters of sparkling water with it).
  • Sodastream switches itself on and off when you put in or take out the bottle.
  • Requires virtually no cleaning.
  • Cylinder exchange is a breeze.

Also read:Environmentally conscious living and green education

Disadvantage SodaStream in use

  • If your cylinder is empty, you can exchange it online, but this is only possible per 2 pieces. This 'forces' you to purchase a 2nd cylinder and even then you will lose both of them. If you do not want to be without sparkling water, a 3rd cylinder is therefore also necessary. However, you can also exchange at a point of sale, so we just work with 2 cylinders ourselves. Exchange one at, for example, the Mediamarkt and the other in our device.

The SodaStream syrups

Personally, I don't think the accompanying syrups are all that fantastic. In terms of taste, they are good with our children, that is not the problem. The problem, however, is that I drink way too much 'cola' for my liking. You tend to give in to this more quickly because it is less unhealthy than the bottles of soda from the supermarket shelves.

So we just use a bottle of Karvan cevitam, which is also fine. Not nearly as expensive, and also very tasty. Just add a small layer of orange juice in your glass, add sparkling water and voilà.

I think it is unwise to add flavors to the bottle of sparkling water anyway. The bottle that you receive is made of plastic and cannot be put in the dishwasher. If you use a lot of flavors in the bottle, then those flavors will slowly withdraw a bit, I think. We therefore prefer to only put blank sparkling water in the bottle and then add the flavor in the glass. Or just drink it as a spa red, but I haven't got the kids that far yet 😉 .

Tips for use

  1. Fancy a glass of wine but you still have to drive? Or are you not in the mood for a hangover after your party? Put a small layer of wine in your glass and add sparkling water to it. It's like drinking some kind of champagne!
  2. Making fruit water in the summer is a breeze. Grab a bottle of sparkling water and some slices of fruit, put this in another carafe and you're done. The sparkling water quickly provides a tasteful water.

Sodastream flavor for a cocktail

Don't want to drink alcohol but still want to mimic the taste a bit? Then sodastream has tasty syrups on the market such as the Italian Spritz, the Pink Mojito and the Bahamas Pina Colada. You undoubtedly understand what they taste like

You can find these delicious syrup flavors on the Sodastream website.

Where do you buy a SodaStream?

Offline you can go to various stores. Online you quickly end up at the well-known web stores, such as, mediamarkt or Coolblue. You can also search for a point of sale near you on the SodaStream site.