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Would you rather get rid of dust mites? Suck them up with Dyson V6 Matress!

If anything gives me the creeps, it's little tiny critters. Yet every day we live together with millions of small creatures, the house dust mite. And the Dyson V6 Matress pushed me to the core. EWWWW. It never occurred to me that there could be so much dirt in your mattress. Damn it! In any case, the Dyson V6 Matress helps to partly say goodbye to it, I have now found that out. I put it to the test and will show you what this handheld vacuum can do more than just playing a handheld vacuum.

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House dust mites, a small problem, or rather a big one?

For some people, those little critters are even more annoying, for example if you have an allergy to house dust mites. You can recognize such an allergy by symptoms such as itchy eyes and a stuffy nose or skin rash. You can also suffer from headaches or asthmatic complaints such as shortness of breath. Especially at night you can have a lot of nuisance, because the mites lay their excrement in your mattress. That is the cause of many allergic reactions. A dirty story, and also very annoying. And even if you don't have an allergy, you probably don't feel like sharing your bed with thousands of itchy lodgers. That is why Dyson is now launching a very welcome product on the market:the Dyson v6 Matress.

But first this... what is house dust mites?

According to, house dust mites are:

They may be small critters, but on a magnified view they don't look very appetizing. And that probably also applies to their feces, which can give you those allergic reactions. Completely shocked:per one gram of dust you can expect an average population of 100 to 500 mites .. and all of this in your bed or with your child! You can also expect house dust mites in other dust-sensitive places, such as in your sofa; the animal loves a warm and preferably a little moist nest. Good ventilation is therefore very important!

What can you do against house dust mites?

A solution to the house dust mite problem has been sought for years, with varying results. As mentioned, a lot of airing is important, but not enough. Here are some more tips:

  • A lot of airing (2-3 times a day for a few minutes
  • Keeps moisture 'out' as much as possible
  • So hang your laundry outside to dry as much as possible
  • Replace mattress, pillow, carpet and curtains from time to time, these do not have an unlimited lifespan, even though you might sometimes think so
  • Wash bedding, etc. at 60° at least once every two weeks
  • Clean a lot with a damp cloth :
  • Use finely woven down duvets or a woolen duvet
  • Use an anti-allergenic mattress or cover

There's one other thing… the king of vacuum cleaners, Dyson, has its own solution to the problem of dust mites. They have developed a kind of petty thief, super powerful, with which you can give your mattress, but also carpeting, sofa or car a thorough deep cleaning. And even so powerful that you get rid of dust mites, their eggs and excrement in one go. And that could just work against your allergies. You can repeat the treatment every now and then to reduce the risk of your allergy in the future.

Want to know more about house dust mites? Check this website.

Now I am not allergic to dust mites (at least not as far as I know), but I have seen with my own eyes what the Dyson V6 Matress does. Since then I go to bed differently than before 😉 . In addition, I have already tested the Dyson V6 Fluffy myself and colleague blogger Pauline did a review of the Dyson V8 vacuum cleaner, so I now know how great this brand is.

Extensively tested, review Dyson V6 Matress

So I first extensively tested the Dyson V6 mattress cleaner myself – my mattress could use a treatment after seven years. And indeed, afterwards, apart from dust, there is clearly another substance in the reservoir. I cannot determine with certainty whether they are insects, excrement or small eggs; I haven't looked at them under the microscope because I'm afraid I wouldn't sleep at all otherwise. But at least it's not dust. It is a bit whiter and finer than fabric, so that the total substance is now slightly grey. Yagh.

As indicated above, there are about 100-500 house dust mites per one gram of dust. In the test I did, I started by 'dry vacuuming' my mattress and the accompanying pillows. The mattress (one-sided) and the pillows alone gave me more than 7 grams (!) of rubbish in the petty thief. I know, because I measured it on a very careful scale. Before and after.

Worst case scenario… 3500 dust mites! Jackets!

Do you suffer from dust mites and are you unable to get rid of them? Then I think you can try the Dyson V6 Matress as a bonus. If you see (and feel) how enormously powerful this device is, then it must have some effect, there's no other way.

What's included with the Dyson V6 petty thief?

The Dyson V6 Matress itself, a combination brush, a crevice tool and the motorized mattress brush.

So I really only use the latter for mattress, pillows and sofa or car. I also use the other accessories when I use this Dyson V6 as a petty thief at home, because it is of course very useful for that too. The enormously powerful motor cannot be compared to any other handheld vacuum cleaner or vacuum cleaner.

It is (obviously) cordless and bagless and you can empty it in no time.

Tip:You buy the Dyson V6 Matress at Dyson itself (€ 269.00), or at for example.