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Hay fever symptoms:how do you get rid of your spring jitters?

It's spring again. The time of the flowers, the bees and… mountains of tissues. At least, if you suffer from hay fever symptoms. Some people get really emotional about hopping lambs. Or cows entering the pasture for the first time. The latter also gives me wet eyes – I'm quite an emotional cow 😉 . But in the spring there is something else that gives me wet eyes. The hay fever season has started again! And where I normally really appreciate spring fever (think of those jumping cows!), this is not the case with this variant. If you suffer from a pollen allergy, that can be really annoying.

Table of Contents

Hay fever symptoms:real tearjerkers

Hay fever, like all allergies and illnesses, comes in many sizes. And, like a true friend, it also stays true to you! In addition, the allergy simply grows with you. You don't have to, but hay fever symptoms can get worse as the years go by. My sniffling used to only start in the summer, now I am already crying in the spring en plein public † No folks, I'm not emotionally disturbed † It's just my hay fever symptoms. Which, by the way, can also drive a person crazy. It is to cry.

What those hay fever symptoms mean? It's probably not news to us "patients", but a brief summary nonetheless. The most common complaint is probably the runny nose. Get the tissues ready, because as soon as the cows are allowed to walk outside, your nose will do the same. As far as I'm concerned, staying indoors is not an option – it's better to do that in the Dutch winter.

So we have to get rid of those hay fever symptoms! You will read how that works in a moment. Other common hay fever symptoms include burning or itchy eyes, stuffiness and headaches. Coughing can also be a symptom:you may not just have a cold. Extra burden when you are outside? And especially if you are on your bike, with your bulb in the fresh wind? Then there is a good chance that you also suffer from hay fever. Join the club , I would say. And welcome!

Read also :Not only a baby, but also an allergy thanks to my pregnancy

Nature is about to explode (and your nose too)

It's spring, and that means nature is waking up again. Just like your hay fever symptoms. These are fueled by the pollen and pollen of plants, trees, flowers and grasses. And since they will all bloom again in the coming months, every hay fever patient will have their turn again. The starting signal for this is therefore spring. Although there even seem to be people who suffer from hay fever all year round. Fortunately, little flowers in the Netherlands in winter. But when nature erupts in spring, our noses do the same. Or will yours wait until summer? If you really have a severe form of hay fever, you are sensitive to the pollen and pollen of everything that blooms. And then you're still 'working on' for the time being. Don't feel like having hay fever symptoms again in the next six months? Then you can of course try to suppress your hay fever. Or actually pull the head out.

What can you do to combat hay fever symptoms?

As versatile as hay fever itself is, so versatile is the medicine cabinet you could fill with allergy remedies. Because although you can't cure it, you can relieve hay fever symptoms, for example with an air purifier from Rowenta. Also see here:a selection from a medicine cabinet. Are our tips not worth a cut for the (runny) nose, or   do you just have good ideas yourself? Then of course you can share it! I'd like to, because we haven't figured it out here in the editorial either.

Tip 1:Does a hay fever patient visit the doctor

Although sneezing and coughing are not immediate complaints for which you go to the doctor, it is not a bad idea in the case of hay fever. In consultation with your doctor, you may be able to manage your hay fever symptoms better than on your own. While that's not true for everyone; As with many allergies, hay fever is also 'nicely personal'. Fingers crossed so, that you can find the right solution for yourself. But the doctor can at least help you with that with, for example, a pill, spray or drops for your eyes.

Tip 2:Off to the physio

Not only your doctor, a physiotherapist also seems to be able to help you if you have hay fever complaints. Or is inside 😉 . A modern anti-hay fever remedy is medical tape. At least so modern that you won't see it in Grandma's handbook against ailments. And honestly, I can't tell you whether it works myself. But people seem to benefit from it so I would say:judge for yourself. You may be familiar with medical tape. If they suffer from a knee or a single ticket with the Dutch national team, it is also taped. But in this case, the tape takes care of your breathing, and not Robben's knee.

The tape is said to clear your airways and stimulate your blood circulation system. And if you don't want to go to the physiotherapist for it, you can even score it online. All you have to do is find someone who will put it on your back the right way.

Tip 3:Home-garden-and-kitchen solutions

Sometimes it is not the GP, but your grandmother who has the best solution for an ailment. There are also a lot of 'solutions' for hay fever in the category of home-garden-and-kitchen remedies. And some of them actually work! Although drinking a live woodlice in a glass of water isn't worth trying to me. Incidentally, it also seems to have little success so unless you like bugs, don't try it at home † What does work – for me at least – is bee honey. From the area where you live. Local honey can do wonders.

Another easy way to relieve your hay fever symptoms is your sunglasses. Just put a spare in the car! Just wearing glasses when you're outside already makes a big difference to your eyes. Also keep windows and doors closed when you are inside and the season has started, that also makes a difference.

Tip 4:Acupuncture

There are also people with hay fever who swear by acupuncture. If you have no problems with that, then it seems to be highly recommended. I have never tried it myself, but you will read and hear that it is preferable to start early. So don't wait until the season is fully open. Do you happen to have experience with it? Then we'd love to hear from you!

Tip 5:Medicinal self-service

Are those needles going a step too far for you? All kinds of remedies against hay fever symptoms are also available at the drugstore. Which can sometimes work well. You just have to get hold of the right remedy. So trying out a bit is also an option.

Tip:You can find products against hay fever to use yourself here.

And of course you can also go for homeopathic remedies, if you trust that more. A plantain herbal preparation for example. One more tip for the self-operators:be careful with nasal spray. Read here the story of Anne, who became addicted to nasal spray. Which turned out to be recognizable for a lot of readers! This addiction results in a chronically stuffy nose. Which sounds like hay fever all year round… HAAT-SJOE!

Read also :Allergic to house dust mites:what now?

Do you suffer from hay fever symptoms? And what works well for you?

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