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Everyday happiness and happiness; it's in the little things

Everyday happiness is available to everyone! Why? Because being happy and the great happiness is in the small things. Secretly you know that too - just like me - but we often forget it again. Many people are looking for happiness or a happy life. Often this is a dream for the future, a state we hope to achieve when we have another job or build a house. Or if we have children or are retired. So you always seem to be busy with a moment that is yet to come. Instead of simply enjoying and being happy.

There is so much happiness already inside us and it is also present around us. We forget to look at it because of our busy lives or have experienced things that make us no longer see that little happiness. Do you recognize that?

Table of contents

Happy with everyday happiness

Happiness is not just about pleasure and pleasure. But also how you deal with problems and setbacks. A feeling of happiness is about satisfaction with your whole life in total.

Moments of happiness are not in material things, but in experiences and perceptions in the here and now. Petra and Brigitte of Everyday Happiness believe that it is precisely these small moments of happiness that add up to the greater feeling of happiness!

How can you experience your moments of happiness?

There are many moments of happiness for the taking and in sight, however you have to (learn to) look at them to be happy or to experience the feeling. One of the most effective ways to learn this is a gratitude exercise where you reflect weekly on what you have been grateful for during that week. It immediately makes you feel good again and lets you focus on positive experiences.

At the same time, you can also create moments of happiness yourself. When you go out with a smile and smile at everyone you meet, you (almost) always get a smile back. Sometimes surprised, but that's fun too. Laughter releases endorphins and makes you happy. So you give the other but also yourself a moment of happiness as a gift, being happy is that easy and happiness can be that small. However, the feeling is grand and valuable. It costs nothing, but delivers a lot!

Moments of Everyday Happiness

  • When the cake is in the oven, lick off the whisks
  • Get a phonetically written note from your child
  • That while folding the laundry, all socks and pairs form
  • A child's laugh
  • When your cooking skills are appreciated
  • When your children are all in bed
  • View photo books from the past
  • If someone gives you a valid parking ticket
  • Finally coming up with a word that has been on the tip of your tongue for a long time
  • Getting breakfast in bed from the kids

Petra and Brigitte are two working mothers with both a young dynamic family with 3 children. They are busy with work, have a social life, are occasionally active in sports and also love the Burgundian life.

Sometimes busy, a lot of arrangements, occasionally hectic, not always smoothly. That's how you can describe their lives. Pretty recognizable I think 😉 . A fun challenge every day. They are now 'trained' in recognizing everyday happiness. For them, being happy also means passing on what they have learned themselves. They therefore want to let others discover, experience and pass on these moments with Everyday Happiness.

Everyday Happiness calendar

Brigitte and Petra have released the Everyday Happiness Weekly Calendar 2018 especially for families. This calendar challenges families with each week:

  • An inspiring question to discover everyday happiness
  • A challenging assignment to experience everyday happiness
  • An everyday moment of happiness to share

Children look at things in a different way:open minded, creative and amazed. By sharing this with each other, you as an adult also get the opportunity to look at daily life from a different perspective. Using the calendar inspires you to capture and create beautiful moments with the whole family.

I'm looking forward to your moments!