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When is it time for a new mattress?

How long can you use a mattress? If it's up to my kids, that's forever and ever. They are so happy with their mattresses that they never want to have another mattress again. At least, that's what they're saying very loudly now. However, I have already tested a lot of mattresses in recent years, and also changed and cleaned them. I now also know that a mattress does not last forever and that you can only use a mattress for a certain period of time. But how long is that actually?

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How long can you use a mattress?

If I go by the dust mite hiding in a mattress, it's not that long . But with a good mattress you should of course be able to last a few years. Provided you treat your mattress well, of course. And don't let labor go 'over', like I once did.

The fact is that the time that you can use your mattress depends somewhat on how you handle a mattress. Look, if you are going to buy a children's mattress or a baby mattress, you already know in advance that the mattress will only last a certain time before your child has 'grown out'. It is therefore logical that such a mattress will be replaced after a number of years of use. But what about your own mattress? Are you still using your mattress after 10 years? I did, in fact, until I saw how dirty that mattress had actually become.

Did you know that your mattress has become about 3 kilos heavier after 8 years of use? yagh. That's a lot of sweat droplets. After 8 years, it also appears that the springs of a mattress are no longer what they used to be (and I'm not talking about waterbeds, of course). Do you want to sleep well and not have to worry about your children's bedtimes? Then after 8 years it is really time to look further.

Maintain your mattress well

If you want to use your mattress as long as possible, it is important to take good care of your mattress. With the tip below you can at least ensure that you can use your mattress for as long as possible. And that the quality is guaranteed for as long as possible. How long you can actually use the mattress will of course always depend on the quality of your mattress.

  1. Airing out your mattress
  2. To turn your mattress or not?
  3. Washing and changing of bed linen and molton

1. Let your mattress air out

To be able to use your mattress for as long as possible, it is very important to let your mattress air well. Airing your mattress is not difficult in itself, but if you are lazy, then that is a thing for a while. From now on, don't just get out of bed and leave everything as it is, but let your mattress air out during the day by folding back your duvet and leaving your mattress 'open and exposed'.

2. Turning your mattress

I used to do that. Turning our mattress or even turning it over completely. Nowadays that is no longer possible with the mattresses we use, but it turns out to be a real myth. Turning and turning a mattress only applies if you buy a poor quality mattress. And I assume that -if you buy a mattress- you buy a mattress of good quality. In that case, you don't have to break your back turning your mattress over 😉 .

3. Change bed linen

It is important for longer use of your mattress that you change your bedding very regularly. Admittedly… I've had bad times in this regard. Months where I didn't prioritize changing my bedding. It's dirty. Today, however, I do it just like my mother used to do. Clean linen is placed on the beds every week. Yes, it is some work, but man, does that always sleep well under a clean duvet. However? Worth it if you want to sleep well and use your mattress as long as possible.

Are you looking for more information about the use of your mattress and which mattress is best for you? Then take a look at or the Consumers' Association for the types of mattress fillings that you can choose with their pros and cons.