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Slimming tips for the bathing suit season

Summer is approaching. It's time to put on your bathing suit and head to the beach. If you haven't been able to shed those extra pounds sooner, don't panic - it's not too late. Here are some slimming tips for the summer that will help you reduce calories and fat without too much effort or sacrifice:

– Enjoy fresh summer vegetables. Enjoy salads and steamed or grilled vegetables. Season vegetables with spices, lemon and balsamic vinegar, a little Parmesan cheese and low-fat dressings.

– Try to make vegetables the main focus of your meal and add small portions of protein and/or starch.

– Do you crave something sweet? Have cake, cookies and ice cream. Instead, opt for fresh berries, cantaloupe, and other fruits. Fruit is fat-free, rich in nutrients and fiber and provides natural energy. Try non-fat frozen yogurt with your favorite fruit and you have a delicious, fat-free and low-calorie dessert.

– Drink plenty of water in hot weather, but watch out for high-calorie drinks such as juice, whole milk, soda, and alcohol. Use water, fresh juice, skim milk or iced tea instead.

– Drink alcohol in moderation as it contains many “empty” calories and can stimulate your appetite.

Grilling is a great way to add flavor while reducing fat and calories. Try wrapping fish or chicken in foil, adding vegetables and seasonings, and grilling. Grilling meat allows some fat to drip off, which lowers the fat and calorie content.

– Dinners with family and friends should not become a diet disaster. Try cutting calories a week before these special occasions so you can indulge a little. However, try to limit high-fat foods such as chips and mayonnaise-based salads.

– Take advantage of the warm weather by exercising more often. Play a game of Frisbee, volleyball or tennis, take long walks or swim rounds.