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Honey and its Virtues:10 Tips for Making Spreads!

Honey and its Virtues:10 Tips for Making Spreads!

Honey is a product to always have at home.

It's good and it can be used for multiple purposes.

Here are our little recipes with honey for the kitchen and the body.

For cooking, honey gives flavor to your recipes . It is often used to make small aperitif toasts with goat cheese and honey. A very simple but delicious recipe. When you want to make ice cream or ganaches, it will look different from sugar. It colors much more and gives a softer taste that will allow you to perfectly succeed in your preparations.

Honey is also very good for the body. Often used to create your own depilatory wax, it can also be used to make a face mask. Mix it with thick yoghurt and apply to the face, which will regain post-sunburn vivacity and softness.

In case of a sting or scratch, put a little honey for relief . It has effective healing properties.

And finally honey is an ingredient to consume without moderation . In a herbal tea, a tea or alone, it is very good for your health. Athletes also consume it regularly for its tonic, dynamic benefits.

Rich in mineral salts, it promotes growth , strengthens the bones and its consumption allows good digestion by countering intestinal fermentation.

Its antiseptic virtue makes it a very good product also in case of sore throats and the onset of colds.

It is advisable to buy organic honey , as they are not heated and therefore retain their detoxifying and healing properties.

And you ? How do you use honey? Share your remedies in the comments.

Honey and its Virtues:10 Tips for Making Spreads!


With its multiple uses, honey turns out to be a very interesting and economical product. It thus saves you from having to invest in creams for the care of the face or to repair the small sores.

In addition to this, honey can act as vitamins, which are much more expensive, and help you get in good shape.

Finally, its digestive quality will save you money on products sold to facilitate digestion.