Family Best Time >> Health

What are the results of my adjusted eating pattern and do I feel better now?

As you know, I have been consciously working on my eating pattern for a few weeks now and I would like to update you on that. For a long time I had the idea that I don't eat and drink that much. Still, I couldn't manage to boost my energy level   and feel better in my skin again. In addition, the scale also became less and less happy with me, and I therefore less happy with myself. So not a good signal.

Table of Contents

How am I doing with my diet and the sugar-conscious challenge?

Those who have followed it well know that I have been challenged by Céréal to do something about my diet. To make more conscious choices in the field of snacks, but also during breakfast and lunch, for example. To choose products that contain less or no sugar, instead of taking products that are full of sugars and are therefore bad for your health.

I find that the sugar-conscious challenge really does me good. Normally I'm not into the challenges, but I can fully support this challenge from Céréal. Of course you have not made changes to your eating pattern just like that, so you have to take the time to do so. Now that I am a month further, I can say that opting for less sugar is the right choice for me.

I see that I am making steps in the right direction. I feel more energetic and fitter during the day because I consume much less sugar. A nice side effect is that I have also lost 3 kilos. Without hunger, without cravings and without chagrin! How delicious is that?

Longer walks with the dog are back in my system, I am going back to work at the zoo with more energy and still have the energy in the evening to work if necessary.

My eating pattern changes more or less effortlessly

Before I started the challenge, I was secretly a bit hesitant. I just love good food and drinks, sitting on a terrace and having fun at home (read:something delicious with my coffee). So I thought I would be faced with a big challenge.

But what I've noticed is that it gets easier after a few days. Céréal offers a wide range of products that contain less sugar or even no sugar that are just as tasty. This means that I can make different choices and because I eat less sugar, I also have less appetite for sweets. Before I always needed a snack, now it is often time for lunch before I notice it. And I'm actually most happy about that.

My body sends out a signal much less often that it has a 'need' for sugar. And the moments when I really feel like it, I also allow myself to grab something tasty. But then I opt for something tasty that contains less sugar. This keeps my sugar level stable and prevents me from wanting to start snoring.

My favorite snacks

My favorite snacks that I grab when I really feel like something tasty (for example with coffee) are the milk chocolate with hazelnut from Céréal and the coconut cookies. Mmmm.

How do the changes in my diet affect the rest of the family?

That might also be important to mention. In order not to be tempted, I try to have as few products as possible that contain too much sugar. Instead, I choose alternative products that contain less sugar in order to adjust my eating pattern. The candy drawer has been fairly empty for weeks. The kids sometimes hate that, of course, but on the other hand they also really like 'my' chocolate (the one with less sugar from Céréal). And I think that's a shame 😉 .

The advantage is that Lotte and I -because we are more aware of our food- are more often together in the kitchen. Cozy!

With regard to lunch, the children and Frank just go along with my choice. For example, there is no other jam on the table than the Céréal strawberry jam, because it is now everyone's favorite. Handy to use, for example, when baking a healthy cake.

All in all I notice clearly that my eating pattern is changing in a favorable way and I am very happy about that. It is not a task to eat my meals and snacks  and to keep it very easily. Also in the long term, because the products with less sugar are just as tasty.

This article was created in collaboration with Céréal, but it is still my own opinion about the alternative products I use today and the more conscious use of sugar.