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Soaps and gels:what are the differences?

Soaps and gels:what are the differences?

Are you more of a soap or gel team? Everyone has their opinion or preference on the matter. However, what do you know about these two stars in the hygiene department? Let's see what differentiates them, and how to choose them well.

Soap and gel:which is which, and which one to choose?

Soap is a very old product that was invented 4,500 years ago by the Sumerians. While there are many kinds on the market these days, there are a few must-haves. We can mention Marseille soap, Aleppo soap, black soap, or donkey milk soap. It is a very good cleanser, but it can be a little detergent for the epidermis and dry it out. When you have sensitive skin, it is better to choose a surgras soap.

Another advantage is that the packaging is lighter for a soap, which reduces the price and produces less waste. A bar soap also generally lasts longer, so it is more economical than a shower gel.

Did you know?

Each year, 104,000 tonnes of soap are consumed in France, i.e. 1.6 kilos per inhabitant[1] .

As for the shower gel, thanks to its neutral pH, it gently cleanses the skin. However, you have to choose it well and look carefully at its composition, especially for the perfumes and dyes which can be numerous. Those with the fewest ingredients and the simplest are generally the kindest to the skin.

True or false:foam means effective cleaning?

F AUX:we often have in mind that for a cleaning product to be effective, it must foam a lot. It's wrong. A soap that foams little will be as effective as a washing gel that foams a lot. It is mainly the surfactants that will make the product lather, and they do not have washing properties.

Soap, gel:what about bacteria?

Properly used, gel and soap can eliminate bacteria, provided you perform a meticulous and long enough wash, and dry the skin properly. Wet skin is a breeding ground for bacteria. Speaking of bacteria, many wonder about the development of these on a solid soap. It is true that if it remains wet in a humid environment, bacteria can appear. It is therefore important to dry your soap after use, or at least to let it dry on a clean soap dish where the water can drain. If with the Covid-19 crisis, antibacterial soaps are popular, know that all classic soaps are just as effective.

Health crisis obliges, the hydroalcoholic gel is part of our daily gestures. However, it is no more effective than a conventional soap or washing gel. It will only be easier to use when there is no water available (when leaving the metro, after shaking hands with someone, touching a door, etc.). If you have the choice, prefer a normal cleanser, it will be less aggressive for your skin.

Soap, gel:can they be used for the whole body?

For the face, avoid products containing soap. This can be quite detergent and therefore dry out the most sensitive skin. There are plenty of face washes that don't contain soap and will be more appropriate. Favor products without perfume and with a pH close to that of the epidermis, they will be more respectful of the particularly fine skin of the face.

For the body, all products can be used, depending on the nature of the epidermis. If your skin is particularly sensitive, choose a surgras soap or an organic shower gel which will have a softer composition for your body.

For personal hygiene, you must use very gentle products, preferably soap-free so as not to attack the pH of the skin. Many cleansers are specifically designed for this area.

How to choose your soap or shower gel?

Whether you buy a solid soap or a washing gel, it is important to take a good look at the composition of the product to avoid bad reactions. For example, check that it does not contain formaldehyde which can cause allergic reactions. Also avoid sodium lauryl sulfate, a very irritating product that weakens the skin.

To be sure to choose good products, do not hesitate to use mobile applications that will help you to know if they are healthy.

  • Yuka: this application analyzes cosmetics since 2018. It then assigns a score out of 100 according to the composition. This is a very good indicator.
  • WhatCosmetic: This free application from the UFC-Que Choisir site identifies harmful ingredients and reports them to you. Then she gives a grade from A to D depending on the quality of the product.
  • INCI Beauty: here, the application detects all the substances present and classifies them into 4 categories ranging from green to red according to their dangerousness. You will also have access to a detailed sheet on each of them.

An allergic reaction to a soap or washing gel?

If you have an allergic reaction when using a soap or washing gel, you can consult your pharmacist to give you the right steps to follow. You can also request Allo Santé Wellness assistance and its medical appointment booking service.

Essential to our bathroom routine, soaps and cleansing gels are numerous on the market. Before making your choice, remember to check their composition and do not hesitate to buy several products for each part of the body.

Source:,-Infos%20complementaires&text=la% 20consumption%20of%20soap%20of,1%2C6%20kilo%20per%20inhabitant.,gel-douche-ou-savon-quel-produit-choisir,781793.asp#:~:text=Le%20savon%20semble%20often%20more,chemical%20than%20certain% 20gels%20douche.&text=In%20effect%2C%20the%20soap%20has,and%20may%20ass%C3%A9expensive%20the%20skin.

[1] Planetoscope.