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What are the differences between CBD oil and flowers?

In recent months, the question of CBD has come up often. It must be said that the studies and experiments concerning it are multiplying, as is its marketing. We often talk about oil, but did you know that it is also possible to eat the flowers?

CBD, a legal component

French law categorizes cannabis as a narcotic, so its use is strictly prohibited in France. On the other hand, the legislation currently in force only concerns products containing more than 0.2% THC. It must be said that tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), one of the multiple components of cannabis, is particularly psychotropic.

Since 2018 we often hear about cannabidiol (CBD), another component whose effects are different. Indeed, it is more about medicinal properties. By respecting the limit of 0.2% THC, the trade in CBD products has since experienced a major boom. Indeed, such a low level of THC means that therapeutic cannabis has almost no psychotropic properties.

Furthermore, there is often talk of CBD in the form of oil, but you can also find CBD flowers online or in stores. But what are their differences?

What are the differences between CBD oil and flowers?

Production and uses

Oil production is achieved through a decarboxylation process (CO2 extraction), allowing the inactive components of cannabis to be converted into active components. It involves reducing the flowers to crumbs before heating them – or rather grilling them – in the oven. Then, just place the oil and the flowers in a jar and fill it halfway with water. Everything must then be boiled in a bain-marie several tens of minutes before filtering the oil. In addition, there is another method:solvent extraction.

You will understand, producing cannabis oil involves using flowers. However, these flowers come naturally from the plant that the grower grows, and this from a wide choice of varieties. In a word about usage. It is generally advised to place 3 or 4 drops of the oil directly under the tongue up to three times a day. With each take, it is incumbent on you to let the oil act under your tongue for 60 seconds before swallowing it. As for dried flowers, it is advisable to vaporize them, using a vaporizer, or to take them as an infusion.

Let's also mention the fact that today, cultivating therapeutic cannabis is a real job. This can be learned and the fact of speaking to professionals as a customer ensures the consumption of a quality, legal and reliable product. In fact, productions in the European Union meet strict standards , without chemicals, preservatives or other additives.

What are the differences between CBD oil and flowers?

CBD in Health

There are no differences in effects between CBD oil and flowers, they come together, as well as their properties. As other cannabis compounds like cannabigerol (CBG) are beginning to gain popularity, CBD has been the subject of several encouraging studies. Very often acclaimed for its anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties , other properties exist however:restoration of homeostasis of the body, modulation of serotoninergic transmission or even reduction of anxious behavior in the event of neuropathic pain.

Other properties attributed to CBD still need to be proven such as the reduction of blocked arteries, blood pressure or even cholesterol. We should also mention the prevention of cancer, epilepsy, autism, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases and even schizophrenia. It could even be a question of helping tobacco smokers to stop their consumption.

Its appearance in the field of health is also quite effective. A drug – Cannador – aims to treat the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, anorexia and various cancers. Let's also mention the Sativex as well as Epidiolex . In France, CBD is currently being tested on individuals experiencing chemotherapy side effects and neuropathic pain. The objective is none other than to relieve these people. In Canada, this practice is already authorized.

Fight against antibiotic resistance

In 2019, a study conducted by the Institute of Molecular Biochemistry at the University of Queensland (Australia) certainly contributed to the success then nascent from the CBD. According to researchers, this substance can help treat boils and anthrax. These are two skin infections caused by the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus anthracis . The fact is that these bacteria have been known for some time to be resistant to conventional antibiotics.

The World Health Organization (WHO) believes that a microorganism's ability to resist the effects of antibiotics is one of the greatest threats for global health and food security. According to estimates, antibiotic resistance could cause ten million deaths from 2050. CBD could then be one of these future key components to fight against antibiotic resistance.