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Walking barefoot is not only nice, but also healthy!

Anyone who knows me knows no better than to walk barefoot as much as possible. Not so much because of my health or from a belief, but because I just really like it. For me, there is nothing more wonderful than walking barefoot all day, both indoors and out (regardless of the temperature outside). My mini-me also likes to keep her feet free, just like her mom. Full length, just like her mother 😉 . But with her I often wonder:wouldn't it hurt for such a little one? That is why I started to delve into my 'hobby':walking barefoot. Is that good for you now or not? And what does that actually do to a child?

Everything that lives needs air, I always say! The more air that gets to your feet, the healthier it is for them. Are bare feet really a no go? Then of course you can always go for sandals. But if possible, live barefoot!

Read also :Cold feet, a real woman's problem

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These boots are made.. to stay in the box

I really feel less like myself when I walk outside in shoes. Open shoes and slippers are another kind of compromise. Unfortunately, the outside world is not suitable everywhere for walking barefoot. There is something everywhere:shards of glass, chewing gum, dog poop, waste. Of course I don't want to stand in it with my bare feet. Fortunately, sharp stones and shell paths don't really hurt me anymore. My callus layer has already developed in such a way that it is almost like a built-in sole.

So socks are not for me either. I then have the feeling that I have lost contact with my surroundings. My balance is also somewhat disturbed. And then you have that horrible feeling as if something is constantly pressing against your toes. No, just let me walk barefoot. With bare feet you really feel where you stand. You feel whether something is hard, soft, warm, cold, smooth, rough, wet, dry, sharp, smooth, etc. My favorite barefoot moments are standing in the grass in the early summer morning and in fresh snow… that is really enjoying.

Walking barefoot:mini-me loves it

My daughter also had nothing to do with socks from the start. As soon as I put them on, she took them off a few seconds later. I soon resigned myself to the fact that she probably resembles me in that regard…a bare-foot girl. When she goes outside, she's put on shoes (which she can't easily take off herself), but without socks… just like Mom. She seems to find this acceptable, although after a while she does start to grumble about her shoes and then fanatically pulls her laces until they are loose and preferably that the shoes are kicked off.

Still, I started to wonder if it's really good for her to do that barefoot thing. Wouldn't it be too cold for her and would she be able to develop well with that? I scoured the internet to find answers to my questions. And guess what? It is actually good for you (and therefore also for your child).

The benefits of walking barefoot

Apart from the fact that it is really tasty – at least, according to me and my mini-me – walking barefoot is also healthy. Take a look at the list below. Maybe it's also an idea for you to take off your shoes?

  • It stimulates the brain because you get more information about your environment.
  • Feet get stronger.
  • Waste is removed better by walking barefoot.
  • The body is less stressed because you are more balanced.
  • You discharge yourself of any built-up static electricity.
  • You can (learn to) stand and walk better because you have a good grip and better balance, because you can use all your toes.
  • All pressure points in your foot are massaged in a natural way.
  • Some sports perform better.

Live barefoot!

Of course you have to be careful where your child walks barefoot. It must of course be 'clean', not too cold or too hot and there must be no sharp objects. Check from time to time that the feet are not getting too cold and test the stones and sand outside yourself first on hot days.

There are diseases and disorders where walking barefoot is not so wise. But besides that I would say:“just walk barefoot”. Forget living on a big foot; prefer to live barefoot.

Read also :My child is a toe-runner, what now?

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