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Is a protein bar really a healthy snack?

Is a protein bar really a healthy snack?

A protein bar looks healthy, is easy to throw in your bag and satisfies hunger until the next meal. But is a protein bar a healthy snack?

Many popular protein and protein bars aren't much better than a Snicker. The bars are often full of artificial ingredients and sugar. Some bars have been supplemented in such a way that they would make up for a whole lunch. Of course there are also good protein bars, but there are a lot of cheaters on the market.

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What should you pay attention to?

Look for a bar with a good balance of fat, protein and fiber. This is important for a feeling of fullness. The bar should have about 150 to 300 calories and at least 10 grams of protein. Note:avoid bars with the following ingredients!

Organic cane juice

This is an anonymous and sneaky source of sugar. Protein bars are full of sugar. A little is fine, but not too much. Check if there is more than 10 grams of sugar in the bar. Is that right? Then put the bar back on the shelves.

Brown rice syrup

Brown rice syrup is found in many bars on the market. This form of sugar is very bad for you, because your body absorbs it as 100 percent glucose.


This is a sugar alcohol and is often found in candy and protein bars. It can make you feel bloated and even have a laxative effect. Other sugar alcohols to avoid are sorbitol, mannitol and xylitol.

In short:take a look at the ingredients list before you buy your next bar!