It is well known that a high concentration of particulate matter from traffic is not good for health. What perhaps not everyone realizes is that fine dust is also released in the house.
The source of particulate matter in the house appears to be the kitchen. Baking and frying sometimes releases much more particulate matter than the standard of the World Health Organization WHO. Tonight the subject will be discussed in the science program De Kennis van Nu. For example, the presenter saw that the WHO standard was released 67 times during the baking of a hamburger.
The discovery was made during a study in which people carried a particulate matter meter with them for five days. Then it was noticed that there is a peak when people are in traffic, but a peak can also be seen during cooking. In 3 percent of the time, people ingested 30 percent of the particulate matter. The effects of particulate matter from the kitchen on health are still being investigated.
De Kennis van Nu, Thursday 9 February, 19.20 on NPO 2.