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Yoga weekend in Zeeland; take a breather away from my family

Are you ready for a weekend to yourself? Then go to a yoga weekend in Zeeland. Here you will find yoga, peace, space and relaxation! As you may know, I am a real yoga enthusiast. Yoga makes me happy, happy and it calms me down. Why? You can read that below in my article about the reasons why I practice yoga.

That's why I left with a good friend for a yoga weekend in Zeeland. We both wanted to get away from it all and schedule time for ourselves. Get away from the hustle and bustle of work and family life.

Table of contents

Yoga weekend in Zeeland

We got into the car on Friday afternoon and drove full of expectations to the town of Noordgouwe on the island of Schouwen-Duivenland. On arrival we were allocated a beautiful room in an old building that was once a hospital and now serves as a spa. Afterwards we could eat a nice soup and we got an explanation about the program.

Our teacher started with the first yoga class of the weekend. The first class was exactly what I needed at that moment:a nice and simple yoga class, in which I could take a break from the week and relax for a while. The weekend could begin.

Listen to your body

Before we left I was very curious what to expect. I was a bit hesitant about a strenuous weekend and especially a lot of intense yoga exercises.

Fortunately, our yoga teacher immediately reassured us. She said that her classes vary in weight and that the goal is certainly not to perform this weekend, but to listen carefully to your own body and indicate your own limits.

The yoga weekend in Zeeland was mainly about not having to do anything, but listening to yourself. Take the time to think about what you really want to be and do. Not only in this weekend but also in everyday life. The weekend continued alternately with various workshops on one day. In the morning before breakfast a quiet, simple yoga class, after breakfast a spicy lesson and in the evening another lesson that was mainly focused on relaxation. In addition, delicious meals were provided during the weekend, which we enjoyed very much.

The fisherman and the businessman

What I personally liked very much was that our yoga teacher concluded some classes with a beautiful text or a story. For example, after one of her lessons, she read the story of the businessman and the fisherman. A simple classic story that makes you think and make you reflect on the fact that it is so important to enjoy the small, everyday things in life. The story is about appreciating the life you already have, instead of always joining the rat race for more. And that is precisely something that we mothers sometimes forget in our busy lives. Enjoy the little things in the now. It seems so simple, but ask yourself how often you are not busy making plans for the future?

Tip:Do you want to read this story? You can find the story of the fisherman and businessman on Paul Coelho's site.

Sun, sea and beach

The program of the yoga weekend in Zeeland also included an afternoon for free time. A perfect moment when we had time for a long walk on the beach. Fortunately, the weather was lovely and we were able to enjoy the afterglow on a sunny terrace. For us this was an ideal moment to catch up without our children. Really nice if you don't see each other that often!

Silent walk

Furthermore, a number of workshops will be discussed during the yoga weekend in Zeeland. One of these was a silent walk. Wonderfully soothing. With a group we walked in silence through the beautiful polder landscape of Zeeland, listening to the sounds of the wind, birds, animals and walkers with the sun on our faces. At a beautiful vantage point we did some simple yoga exercises. It was a pleasure. A super nice start to the Sunday morning!

Push your limits

Pushing boundaries by participating in a chakra meditation! During a chakra meditation you pass through seven energy points, or chakras. At each point you stop and concentrate on it. In addition, each chakra has a sound that you sing. This sounded very vague to me and I had my doubts. But my curiosity made me participate anyway.

The weather was nice and we sat in a circle with a small group in the garden, which made it an ideal first time for me to participate. I felt at ease because of the calm and nice explanation of our teacher and I finally dared to participate completely. It was very special to sing the sounds with a group and afterwards it felt very good for me. I could concentrate very well and I felt the singing of the sounds throughout my body. A very nice meditation.

Rest and go home with an energy boost

For me this was a really nice weekend to relax and give my body a boost. Definitely worth repeating.

Tip:Would you like to go to a yoga weekend in Zeeland? I would recommend it to anyone if you like yoga. It is useful if you already have some yoga experience. If you've never done yoga before, it's quite tough for such an entire weekend. However, you don't have to be a trained yogi to participate. There are all kinds of sites on the internet for yoga weekends. Be sure to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the teacher you get, because there is a lot of difference here. There are many different types of yoga and every teacher has his or her own style. So take a good look at what suits you!