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AH Vegetable garden:unfortunately only 5 species can be saved

AH Vegetable Garden, in our opinion one of the few savings campaigns of supermarkets that you can call successful! Unfortunately, they are shrinking in 2018 with the vegetable gardens to be saved…

Do you still take your children to the supermarket? As if there weren't enough temptations on the shelves, the real nagging only starts when we approach the checkout. Because what do our children get again at the checkout? It used to be a dry biscuit. Or a slice of sausage at the butcher. But nowadays you can no longer walk into a supermarket or the savings promotions are thrown around you. Mostly aimed at children. Because who better to 'motivate' mom and dad to make extra purchases than they? And the more you buy, the more odds and ends you get. Fine, save that. So we are stuck with plastic rubbish again, which the children are tired of after a day. There's really only one savings campaign that they don't finish within a day, and neither do I. And that is the AH Vegetable Garden.

How big is the contrast between all the other actions and the AH vegetable garden? Instead of plastic knick-knacks, the children are given something educational. Something that doesn't disappear in a click after a few hours. And if they do it right, you can eat it too! Although we are completely full of savings campaigns, we are a fan of the AH vegetable garden. Useful, educational and 'honest' material, YEAH!

Table of Contents

AH vegetable garden for years in a row

You may remember this action from last year. In any case, we are very happy that the AH vegetable garden is back! With every spend of €15 you get a garden. There are 20 different vegetable gardens. But unlike other savings promotions, the following applies here:doubles are no problem. Do you just eat red beets twice?

In addition to vegetables, there are also flowers in the AH vegetable garden this year. Furthermore, new vegetables and herbs have been added. From snow peas to bok choy and from dill to sunflower:the big harvest festival can begin! That is, if the sowing and care of your plants goes well. Fortunately, they have also responded to that at AH…

What has been in the AH vegetable garden for years?

There were 20 compartments in the plastic growing tray for vegetables, herbs and flowers.

Vegetables in AH vegetable garden

  • Radish
  • Carrot
  • Spinach
  • Beetroot
  • Cucumber
  • Cherry tomato
  • Pack choy
  • Cavolo Nero (palm cabbage, brother of kale)
  • Peanut peas
  • Arugula

Herbs in AH vegetable garden

  • Cinnamon basil
  • Gardeners
  • Dill
  • Parsley
  • Thyme

Flowers in AH vegetable garden

  • Sunflower
  • Marigold
  • Large mallow
  • Phacelia
  • Miss in green

What's in the AH vegetable garden 2018?

That is unfortunately a lot less. Only 5 copies of the AH vegetable garden, which was always so beautifully expanded:

  • Radish
  • Carrot
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Cucumber
  • Sunflower

The promotion of the AH vegetable garden only runs for two weeks, from Monday 26 February (week 9) to Sunday 11 March.

Garden hacks and the help app

For people who could still use a helping hand when it comes to vegetable gardening, AH has made some extra helplines that you can call on. Unlike last time, there is now a lot of digital help available. You can go to the Albert Heijn website with all your questions.

You will also find garden hacks:short videos with useful tips that will give even you green(er) fingers. Still having problems with your parsley? Then you can always turn to the experts. The IVN nature editors, who know everything about nature, are ready to answer all your green questions.

Tip:I'll give you one good tip:make sure your vegetable garden is set up in a stable manner. Last year I knocked the whole thing off the windowsill onto the floor. Not good for your seedlings – or your carpet.

You can find more gardening help in the AH vegetable garden app. There you indicate which plants you have already collected, and you receive tips and tricks based on that. The app is available through the app store and available for iOS and Android. And although my grandfather didn't need it in his vegetable garden, I could use some digital help myself. And maybe you too!

Tips &Tricks:bring on the vitamins

Although the vegetable gardens also do well with 'grown-ups', I believe they were actually intended for children. That's what makes the whole savings campaign around the AH vegetable garden so beautiful. Although this one is aimed at children, at least they learn a lot from it. And maybe mom and dad too! You will receive a detailed explanation about all the vegetables, herbs and flowers that you grow. You will also learn how to draw up a vegetable garden plan. And which plants are smart to put together, because they give each other a helping hand. Did you know that the combination of marigold and cucumber repels aphids? Still useful to know! It also tells you when you should sow per crop, how best to care for it and whether repotting is necessary.

Of course, it also differs per plant where they are best. Does cress need a lot or little light? And do beets have to be grown in the ground or can you also grow them in a pot? So there are still plenty of green-gray areas. Fortunately, that doesn't have to be a problem if you do your homework…

Natural learning:grow it yourself

Do your children believe that potatoes grow in the supermarket? Or do they think vitamins grow between your toes? Then the AH vegetable garden is a real boost. We can't say that about the plastic knick knacks that most supermarket savings offer…brrrr.

Moreover, the children do not only learn about growing vegetables. The role of bees is also discussed, for example. The AH vegetable garden is therefore a wonderful way to teach your kids about flowers and bees. But you can undoubtedly learn something from it too. And if not, it will at least provide you with fresh vegetables and a bunch of flowers from your own garden. Not wrong either, right?