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Ingredients rich in probiotics

Ingredients rich in probiotics

Probiotics are contained in various (yogurt) drinks and dietary supplements, but also in various ingredients that you can put on your weekly menu.

What is probiotics?

Not sure what probiotics are and what they can do for your body? Also read:What is the difference between probiotics and prebiotics?

Probiotics in food

Yogurt, sauerkraut and cheese naturally contain living lactic acid bacteria because they are fermented (fermented). Unfortunately, those probiotics are often killed by pasteurization and you therefore do not get any probiotics due to many factory products.

Read also: Fermenting yourself in 6 simple steps

Are you sure you are getting healthy micro-organisms? Then go for these products, which you buy at the health food store or in a well-stocked supermarket.

  • Full-fat, raw-milk yogurt (note the statement 'live bacteria' or 'active cultures')
  • Kefir, a dairy product made from goat's milk, which can contain up to fifty strains of bacteria. This is how you make kefir yourself.
  • Kombucha (tea from Asia)
  • Miso, Japanese salty pasta. Only add it to your dish once you have removed the pan from the heat.
  • Raw-milk farm cheeses made from cow's or goat's milk, unpasteurized.
  • Gherkins, traditionally pickled or pickled gherkins.
  • Sauerkraut, fresh from the barrel.
  • Apple cider vinegar (raw, cloudy)
  • Kimchi, a fermented vegetable from Korea.
  • Black olives, pickled, pickled with oil, salt, water and spices.
  • Tempeh.

Read also: What is the difference between probiotics and prebiotics?

This article previously appeared in the March issue of Santé 2017 | Text:Stephanie Jansen | Image:Shutterstock