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Andropause:what is it?

Andropause:what is it?

Have you ever heard of andropause? This natural phenomenon, which is not insignificant in the lives of men, is a subject that is rarely talked about. What is this disorder that affects masculinity and virility? How to recognize the symptoms and help men overcome this ordeal?

Let's lift the veil on this phenomenon and break the taboos to understand andropause and know how to better manage it.

Andropause:a relatively unknown male process

What is andropause?

Andropause is characterized by a decrease in the production of male hormones , especially testosterone, which determine and stimulate the sexual characteristics of men. If statistics indicate that only 2% of men are affected from the age of 45, these figures are not indicative of a much more widespread trend. Indeed, the reduction of testosterone being a natural phenomenon, many men who do not have recourse to an accurate diagnosis may be affected without knowing it. If aging is primarily responsible for this physiological process, andropause can be accentuated by certain pathologies such as obesity, high blood pressure or diabetes that create a drop in testosterone production.

Did you know that women also secrete testosterone in very low quantities?

What are the differences with menopause?

While some health professionals seek to requalify the term andropause as a form of age-related testosterone deficiency (ADLA) thereby destigmatizing the pathological side of the disorder, others, on the contrary, see in this phenomenon great similarities with menopause . However, if symptoms such as hormonal fluctuations, low libido or weight gain are reminiscent of this female process, andropause opposes it in many ways.

All women are affected by menopause, regardless of age or lifestyle. Conversely, andropause does not affect all men, some maintaining a high level of testosterone even after 80 years. Moreover, male infertility is not automatic with andropause unlike menopause which inevitably leads to this result. Finally, the question of hormonal decline is at the heart of the differentiations:if it is progressive, slow and fluctuating in men with andropause, it is characterized by relatively marked rapidity and brutality in postmenopausal women.

For more information on this female disorder, find our dedicated article .

Learn to recognize the symptoms of andropause

The importance of prior diagnosis with a doctor

As soon as symptoms appear, it is essential to contact your doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis . A preliminary interview for any screening must then be planned to allow you to discuss, in all discretion and in all confidence, the symptoms or disorders you are feeling. During this interview, the doctor asks you questions about certain aspects of your daily life such as physical activity, sexual activity, sleep and lifestyle habits.

Additional analyzes may be prescribed to you such as:

  • a testosterone test;
  • a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) assay;
  • a complete blood test;
  • a measurement of thyroid hormones.

You are also systematically offered a prostate check-up to rule out any cancer.

Did you know that the testosterone level decreases each year by about 1% from the age of 30?

Manifestations of andropause in humans

The various symptoms related to andropause affect the man physically, but the repercussions can also extend from a psychological point of view.

Weight gain, directly linked to the decrease in muscle mass, is the direct consequence of the drop in testosterone. Hairiness can also be modified:more developed or, on the contrary, hair loss and hair loss, called alopecia, can occur. Among the most common inconveniences, there are also 80% of men with severe fatigue, mood and sleep disorders and chronic hot flashes . But the taboo of andropause lies mainly in the significant and sudden drop in libido, sometimes inhibiting all sexual desire and thus causing erectile dysfunction.

Virility is frequently put to the test in men suffering from andropause, because this disorder attacks the sexual characteristics that constitute masculinity as a whole.

Are there treatments to better live the period of andropause?

Since andropause is a natural phenomenon and not a disease, it unfortunately cannot be cured. On the other hand, some treatmentsmay offer some relief to men who have it .

Hormone treatment

Natural testosterone can be given to you in order to rebalance the rate sometimes heavily affected by the hormonal decline.

Several modes of administration are possible:

  • by mouth with tablets taken at regular intervals;
  • in gel or patch applied to the skin;
  • by intramuscular injection.

Please note that epidermal gel is not covered by Social Security . It can represent a significant cost:between €70 and €100 per month.

Beware of rumors circulating on the Internet. Hormonal treatment does not cause cancer. In the case of already existing cancerous cells, it can on the other hand create an inhibiting effect. It is therefore essential to consult a doctor before any treatment!

In case of erectile dysfunction, do not give up on a fulfilling sex life!

These dysfunctions are reversible and easily corrected with a treatment such as Viagra. Many more natural substitutes exist, you would be wrong to deprive yourself of them!

Natural solutions

If you want to reduce the symptoms of andropause without resorting to medication, some natural measures can help you with this, such as:

  • practice a daily physical activity adapted to your abilities;
  • maintain a healthy, varied and balanced diet;
  • minimize the consumption of alcoholic beverages and tobacco.

Regaining muscle mass will preserve the tone of your bones and muscles, which is supposed to prevent the risk of osteoporosis. In addition, the Omega 3 contained in particular in fatty fish and the fibers present in many foods such as fruits and vegetables play an important role in the natural production of testosterone.

If you suffer from andropause, do not lock yourself into taboo! Confide in the evils that animate you and dialogue. If you are in a relationship, why not consult a specialist with your spouse to express your feelings?
