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What to do at PMS

What to do at PMS

Many women suffer from it monthly:premenstrual syndrome, or PMS. Getting rid of it is not completely possible, but you may be able to reduce your complaints with these solutions.

With PMS, your menstrual complaints are so severe that your family life, relationship and work come under great pressure. Over a hundred PMS complaints have been described. Examples include:irritability, anxiety, headaches, abdominal pain, breast tenderness, and depression. These complaints disappear again after menstruation.

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The most frequently given doctor's advice for PMS:exercise. Regular exercise can help you feel better. By exercising you stimulate blood flow and the production of the happiness hormone endorphins.

This is how you do it

Exercise a few times a week. Do you dread going to the gym when you're not feeling well? Put down a yoga mat at home and do exercises that help with PMS. Try 'the swivel seat' , 'the child's pose' and 'the cat pose' † Walking is also good. Grab some (sun) light right away:it stimulates the production of serotonin, which has a positive influence on your mood.

More progesterone

PMS symptoms often increase as you get older. The amount of estrogen and progesterone then decreases. The second only faster than the first. The resulting estrogen dominance can lead to PMS complaints.

This is how you do it

Capsules containing the herb Vitex agnus make your body more sensitive to progesterone. The number of complaints will decrease if you take the amount indicated in the leaflet. Vitex is freely available at the drugstore.


Calcium is not only good for strong bones, it also plays a role in muscle contraction, nerve impulse transmission and the release of hormones. Calcium levels may be somewhat lower during PMS. As a result, you can suffer from anxiety and depression, for example.

This is how you do it

Dairy is a good source of calcium. Would you rather not eat dairy? Then replace it with, for example, soy milk fortified with calcium. You can also get calcium from nuts, vegetables, beans and legumes. Eat at least 400 grams of vegetables daily, some of which are green vegetables.

Less stress

Work, children, household, social obligations:women often want to keep too many balls in the air, which can lead to stress and that makes your PMS symptoms worse.

This is how you do it

In some countries, it is the most natural thing in the world to take a day off from work in the week of your period. You probably won't get through that proposal. In the evening, curl up on the couch with a good book, take a bath and leave your screens behind for a while. Unless you like to watch a movie. Try to relax completely. Then go to bed on time and get enough sleep. You could also take some extra magnesium, this helps relax the muscles and nerves.

Source:Santé April 2017 Text:Caroline Walenkamp