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This 10-minute morning ritual makes you a lot more productive

This 10-minute morning ritual makes you a lot more productive

Some days it's a little harder to get out of bed than others. Snooze twice and suddenly you're in rush and stress mode. You won't get that feeling out of your system for the rest of the day.

If this is recognizable, it might be time to change it. How you start your morning affects the rest of your day. Don't worry, we really don't expect you to get up three hours early to do sunrise yoga. Although we have a lot of respect for those who do. A morning ritual of only 10 minutes can already help with a calm state of mind that ensures that you are productive throughout the day.

Read also: '5 tips to get more energy'


If you are really committed, you can schedule it into your morning routine to exercise. Fortunately, for the vast majority of people who cannot do this, there is a good alternative:stretching! It loosens up your body and stimulates your circulation, giving you an energy boost. You can do this while yawning in your pajamas before you get into the shower.

Are you now thinking 'I have to get out of bed in the first place'? Then read our tips to get out of bed more easily.

Use a meditation-app

Now that you've loosened up your body, it's time to focus on your mind. A meditation app such as The Headspace app , is the perfect solution for this. Listen to meditation music in the shower or while applying makeup to trigger your mind. You can combine this with a breathing exercise. This reduces your stress and anxiety, and ensures better concentration.

Power breakfast

It's not called the most important meal of the day for nothing. Make sure you get a protein boost right away in the morning to boost your energy level and focus. You can prepare a breakfast smoothie before going to sleep. This way you only have to pour it in in the morning.

Create a to-do list

As soon as your working day starts, make a to-do list. This way you make it clear to yourself what you have to do, and you don't have to stress about whether you have forgotten something for the rest of the day. You work through the list calmly and occasionally add something when necessary. Your brain gets a lot more rest and can focus on your work, so you get distracted less quickly.

Many cosmetics contain microplastics, and this is not always clearly indicated on the packaging. This shampoo bar is completely organic, contains no parabens, sulfates, artificial fragrances or dyes, mineral or palm oils. Simply use as you would a hand soap, but without the polluting ingredients.

Oceonics stainless steel razor

Disposable blades belong to the residual waste and cannot be recycled. A stainless steel razor that lasts a lifetime is therefore a more sustainable alternative. Especially if the refill blades are also packaged and shipped with zero waste.

Beewise toothpaste tablets

Toothpaste often comes in plastic packaging and may contain microplastics. That's why you now have it in a plastic and cruelty-free tablet version:just chew, brush, rinse and you have a fresh and more sustainable mouth.