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8 reasons why chewing gum is good for you

8 reasons why chewing gum is good for you

A fresh taste in your mouth is always nice. But chewing gum also has other benefits.

1. Less stress

A date coming up? With a chewing gum in your mouth you become a lot more relaxed. Chewing reduces the production of the (stress) hormone cortisol, according to research from Northumbria University. During this study, the group of chewers appeared to be calmer and less anxious. A nice side effect:chewing gum also prevents a dry mouth.

2. More focus

Cardiff University scientists claim that chewing gum increases the oxygen supply to the brain and activates certain areas of the brain. Result:better concentration in visual and auditory memory tasks. In the study, which lasted half an hour, the reaction time of the chewing gums was shorter and they had more correct answers than the group without chewing gum.

Read also: 8 facts about chewing

3. Better bowel function

Research by the Catharina Hospital in Eindhoven showed that patients had fewer complications after their bowel surgery by chewing gum. The sweeteners in sugar-free chewing gum have a laxative effect, which means that the bowel function starts earlier. But… Chewing gum has a laxative effect. If you eat too much of it, you can get diarrhea.

4. Cleaning effect

While chewing, saliva production is stimulated. And that in turn ensures that certain acids have less chance of attacking your teeth. Do not chew gum with sugar but with sweeteners, such as xylitol, to prevent tooth decay. While blowing bubbles and chewing, food and bacteria stick to the gum, preventing them from irritating your teeth and gums.

5. Less stomach acid

Have you dived into the bitterballen a bit too fanatically and the stomach acid is almost coming out of your ears? Then chew gum for thirty minutes. This is how saliva formation starts. Because this is alkaline (less acidic than stomach acid), it helps neutralize acid in the esophagus, according to a study by the British Kings College.

6. Less nauseous

Chewing gum boosts the digestive glands and thereby stimulates the secretion of stomach and dam hormones, resulting in less nausea, according to Wageningen University in collaboration with Gelderse Valei Hospital.

7. Better digestion

By chewing gum, your intestines receive the signal that food is arriving and they get started:the production of stomach and other digestive juices starts. Side note:you will not burn any extra calories this way.

8. Less snitch

Last but not least, although scientific opinions are divided, sugar-free chewing gum with a strong mint flavor would reduce your snacking need. Research from Louisiana State University shows that chewing gum suppresses the urge for fast food, because you already have a different taste in your mouth and your snack is therefore less tasty.

Read also: Is it really that bad to swallow chewing gum?

This article is from the Santé of May 2018 | Text:Esmir van Wering | Image:Shutterstock