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Sugar… and why neutral flavors are good for you

Sugar… and why neutral flavors are good for you

Sugar makes you fat, tired, grumpy, it makes you sick, it makes your skin bad. So why do we eat it anyway and why are neutral flavors better for you? Marije from Fitness Bible for Women explains it in great detail.

Sugar makes you fat!
Sugar makes you tired!
Sugar makes you grumpy!
Sugar makes you sick!
Sugar makes you bad skin:pits, bumps and humps!

Why do we still eat sugar?
Besides the fact that more than 70% of all products in the supermarket contain sugar (=serious!), we are used to the sweet taste and we think it gives us energy. I have news for you. You can get rid of this habit, finally get the power you're looking for, and then you'll lose pounds too! YES, eat no sugar =lose kilos!

How do you do this? It's all about Organization &Discipline!

Step 1.
Read labels! It takes some searching, but only buy and eat products where sugar is not on the ingredients list. Also no cane sugar (this is also not healthy). You will succeed faster at the organic store.

Step 2.
Develop a broad taste. Try not only to like (extra) sweet, salty and fat, but also bitter and spicy.

Step 3.
Start to appreciate more neutral tastes. If you like (very) sweet, (a lot of) salty or fatty flavors, you will always find a little sweet, salty and low fat less tasty.

The most important thing you should never forget from now on is that this neutral taste keeps your energy arrow and emotions constant, is normal, healthy and very good!

So quitting.
Developing a broader taste and neutralizing your taste takes time. Yes, you're going to have snack times and you may not like food at first. But I promise you better times and a lot of appreciation for healthy food.

Again, let go of the feeling that you have to choose healthy food because you will lose weight.

You choose healthy food because it positively influences your mood and you want to go through life energetically. Losing weight happens naturally, really! Poor nutrition ultimately determines how you will feel, you do not want this and that is why you eat and live healthy.

Are you participating in FBVV-LIVE? Then you have already received week 2 and you will receive extra information about sugar.

Fitness Bible for Vrouwwen