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Don't forget this when brushing your teeth

Don t forget this when brushing your teeth

Even if you brush your teeth twice a day, floss regularly, and visit the dentist twice a year, you may be forgetting one crucial step in your tooth brushing routine:brushing your tongue. Do you think this is not necessary? Then you're wrong. Bacteria and acids can build up in all grooves of your tongue and that is not exactly fresh…

How do you clean your tongue?

There are two ways:you can either use a regular toothbrush either use a tongue scraper (such a tool or plastic 'brush' with which you can scrape the top layer of bacteria and food off your tongue). If you use a toothbrush, gently move it from front to back over your tongue. Do you use a tongue scraper? Then make a movement from the back to the front of your tongue. Just be careful not to apply too much pressure to avoid cutting your tongue. Are you hesitating between the two options? It's not that one works better than the other, so choose what works better for you!

4 benefits of brushing your tongue

1. Your breath will smell better

When bacteria build up on your tongue, they can cause your breath to smell bad. This is not at all unusual, because almost half of adults suffer from bad breath. This is not always due to issues with their teeth, but in 90% of the cases it has to do with their mouth or tongue. By brushing your tongue regularly, you ensure that there are fewer bacteria on your tongue and your breath smells better.

2. You run less risk of cavities and gum infections

The same bacteria on your tongue that can give you bad breath can also build up on your teeth and gums. And that can lead to cavities and gum disease. Brushing your tongue helps to get these bacteria out of your mouth and save your teeth and gums. Because who wants to go to the dentist to fill a cavity?

3. It prevents a black hairy tongue

A black furry tongue is as unusual as it sounds. You can get a black, hairy tongue if dead skin cells build up on your tongue. This will cause bumps to grow on your tongue, making it look like hair is growing on your tongue. Fortunately, the condition is only temporary and it can't hurt. You can get rid of it by brushing your tongue regularly and keep your teeth healthy.

4. It makes you taste better

Did you know that the bacteria that build up on your tongue can also affect your taste buds? By brushing your tongue well, you ensure that your taste remains optimal and you do not have to miss out on those tasty meals (or late night snacks).