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Is it bad to go to sleep without brushing your teeth?

Is it bad to go to sleep without brushing your teeth?

Sometimes you are so tired that you don't feel like brushing your teeth before going to bed. Is it bad to skip that brushing session?

The answer is yes. The advice to brush twice a day is serious health advice. And this why:

Stiff teeth

When you run your tongue along your teeth and gums during the day, you may feel that some parts of your teeth feel a little rougher. That's plaque.

Read also: '5 mistakes you can make when brushing your teeth'


By brushing, you brush away the plaque. That's important because when plaque stays on your teeth, it attacks your enamel. Cavities can form, your gums can become inflamed and – if you let it get very far – it can even cost you your teeth. In addition, your mouth is, as it were, the gateway for your body. An inflammation that starts in your mouth can enter the bloodstream and that is not always without consequences.

Brushing is important

That you should brush twice a day is serious health advice. Important to keep in mind:brushing poorly is almost as inefficient as not brushing…

Tips for good dental care

  • Preferably brush with an electric toothbrush. Don't move your brush back and forth quickly, but move it slowly to the next tooth.
  • Brush twice a day and do it right.
  • Floss once a day so that no plaque remains in the spaces between your teeth.
  • Go to the dentist regularly for dental checkups.

This is the perfect rhythm to brush your teeth>>