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5 ways to do something good for your health this weekend

5 ways to do something good for your health this weekend

One of these tips will surely fit into your weekend.

1. Leave alcohol alone
It not only saves you a lot of calories… You feel much fresher the next morning and therefore you can make better use of the morning.

2. Go exercise
When you have to get to work early, you may not feel like or have the time to exercise in the morning. When you're free, you really have no excuse:start the day with a visit to the gym, a walk or do some yoga exercises at home.

3. Treat yourself with a bunch of flowers
Flowers make you happy and especially when you are at home a lot during the weekend, you can enjoy the flowers even more. Also read our 4 tips to keep your flowers beautiful for longer.

4. Write!
According to research, writing is good for the immune system and lowers your blood pressure. A good reason to take a seat. Is your sleep suffering from your worrying? Then it can help to clear your head before going to bed by writing down all your thoughts.

5. Take a closer look at your and your partner's sleeping habits
When one person goes to bed earlier or gets up earlier, it can disrupt the other's sleep. We give tips for sleeping together and still have an optimal night's sleep.