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Sarah Ferguson:'I know what it's like to struggle with your weight'

Sarah Ferguson: I know what it s like to struggle with your weight

British Duchess Sarah Ferguson knows what it's like to constantly watch your weight. To draw attention to obesity in Great Britain, she told her story in The Sun.

The English Duchess has struggled with a fluctuating weight for years. For years she sought her support in food. She gained weight and then had to put in a lot of effort to lose the excess pounds. She wrote several books about. Like this .


As ambassador of the British Heart Foundation, she believes that something should be done about obesity in the British kingdom. By sharing her personal story in the tabloid The Sun, she wants to draw attention to the obesity problem.

For example, she said that her difficult relationship with food started at a young age, when her parents divorced. “I blamed myself for that.”

Keep watching what she eats

When she was still married to Prince Andrew, the British press called her "the Duchess of Pork". And that only made it worse for her. Luckily she knew her eating pattern break through and now she feels better than ever, even though she still has to watch what she eats.


She does have a number of ideas for tackling obesity in Great Britain:

  • Restriction of fast food advertisements and
  • Abolition of offers on foods high in fat, salt and sugar.