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How to become financially healthy

How to become financially healthy

At the end of the month, your friends ask if you're up for a real girls day. Enjoy a day without children at the wellness where you will enjoy a massage and which will be concluded with a nice dinner. After busy weeks at work, this sounds like music to your ears, but you still have doubts. You still have a number of bills that need to be paid and you have the idea that your dryer could break down at any moment. Does it work out financially? Not really, but relaxation is also important. How do you become financially healthy?

Online piggy banks

The answer is actually quite simple – online piggy banks † You can set this up and view it in the app or online environment of your bank. For example, you can think of a piggy bank for:

The fixed costs

The fixed costs consists of, among other things, the mortgage or rental costs, costs for subscriptions such as those of the gym or your telephone and insurance. If you want to be completely safe, you can choose to create a separate account for this without a debit card so that really only this type of costs are debited.

The messages

By setting an amount for the groceries at the beginning of the month, you often walk through the supermarket much more consciously. Unnecessary things like that extra bag of candy or overpriced tea will make you more likely to pass up and you'll be much more aware of offers. By also doing the shopping no more than twice a week, the chance of saving money is even greater.

How to become financially healthy

A vacation

How nice is it that when you are on vacation, you have your financial nothing to worry about. Whether you want to make a trip around the world, spend a carefree all-inclusive week in Spain or have a weekend in Zeeland planned, by agreeing in advance an amount that you want to have saved and what you can maximum during this period. and can spend you know exactly where you stand. And it's an extra fun goal to keep moving some money to it.

Unforeseen events

In the case of unforeseen matters, you can think of the costs for an MOT that turned out to be much more expensive than you thought in advance, or the dryer that stops working after all this time. Make sure that you always have an X amount in this pot, which you think is sufficient and so that you will not be faced with (financial) surprises

Fun stuff

If you regularly set aside money to do fun things with it, it is also important not to use it again the next day. Saving money to do fun things with requires you to gain insight into your cash flows. Set aside an evening or a day and make a list of everything you earn and have and all the expenses you incur. Be very honest and include everything, even the smallest expenses. The money you then have left is the money with which you can do whatever you want. And there is a good chance that it is actually very little. To be or become financially healthy, you have to be honest with yourself. What do you want to cut back † What do you want or can you do without? And how do you manage your own budget so that at the end of the day you have money left over to go 'wine with the girls'?

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