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Proven:chocolate during pregnancy makes your baby happy

Proven:chocolate during pregnancy makes your baby happy

Pregnant and crazy about chocolate? Then it's time to bring chocolate into your home! Finnish research has shown that your favorite treat not only makes you happy, but also your baby. That's what we call good news.

For their study, scientists at the University of Helsinki looked at how much chocolate was eaten during pregnancy and by women with a baby of six months old. They also checked how happy the baby felt.

What turned out? The Babies of women who regularly enjoyed chocolate during pregnancy were happier than the babies who grew up without chocolate.


What does this have to do with? It is possible that the babies become happier from the chocolate itself that they received through the placenta. It is also possible that the mothers became more relaxed from eating chocolate and passed on that feeling to their unborn child .

We say:bring out the chocolate, even if you are not pregnant!

Source:Girlfriend/ Metrotime, Image:Getty Images

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Proven:chocolate during pregnancy makes your baby happy
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