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This is why you and your cat are becoming more and more alike

This is why you and your cat are becoming more and more alike

Proven:cats take on the personality of their owners. This is the conclusion of an American study of more than three thousand cats and their owners. Or should we say:cats and their staff?

“As the master is, so is his dog,” goes a well-known saying. But did you know that this also applies to cats? If we are to believe this research, cats namely, character traits of their owners.


For this study, four American scientists looked at the behavior of more than 3,000 owners and their cats † It turned out that the character traits of the people were remarkably often reflected in their pets.

The scientists focused on five traits known in psychology as the "Big Five." Five personality traits that every person has to a greater or lesser extent and that almost invariably determine what your personality is like. These characteristics are:how open you are to new experiences, how meticulous or precise you are, how neurotic you are and whether you are introverted or extroverted.

Participants who themselves scored high in the neurotic category more often had animals with behavioral problems. In addition, the cats of extroverted owners like to be outside a lot. Cats and their owners were remarkably similar.


According to the researchers, the explanation for their discovery lies in the fact that the relationship between a cat and an owner can be compared to a child-parent relationship. Children often inherit dominant traits from their parents. Of course there could also be another explanation. That an extroverted person is more likely to choose a somewhat extroverted cat and an introvert for the quietest one. Either way, it seems that you and your cat are starting to look more and more alike.

This is why you and your cat are becoming more and more alike This is why you and your cat are becoming more and more alike

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This is why you and your cat are becoming more and more alike