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Mind Mapping Technique:Why Are More and More Moms Using It?

Mind Mapping Technique:Why Are More and More Moms Using It?

Being well organized is a necessity, especially for our dear mothers who, between cleaning, cooking, children and... everything else, have a hard time managing everything well.

The technique of mind mapping, I discovered it at university. It is a very practical organizational tool that has become essential in all large companies (Ex:Mindomo). Since I started, I can't stop, the es Mindmap are also very useful to me on a daily basis to take the time to reflect and organize my daily life.

What is mind mapping?

To try to be clear:it's a visual method which allows me to better structure my ideas in order to save time in repetitive tasks , not to forget anything, not to waste my energy and above all... to have clearer ideas!

mindmapping allows me to organize my daily life around a central topic. In business jargon, this is called:organizational intelligence.

How does it work?

mindmapping is the art of shaping the associations of ideas . In the center, I write my subject , the title of my file, my main theme. Using ramifications, I decline this subject into several themes , chapters or steps .

Then I associate to each of my chapters my possible sub-parts which will contain for example an explanatory note, a simple list , Action plan. It is this part that will be most useful to us in case of need.

Need examples?

For the household , I have several mindmaps:one that lists household chores according to frequency:daily, weekly, monthly... One that lists the recipes for my natural cleaning products according to each household chore; or one that details the daily household steps hour by hour.

For the kitchen , for example, I have a mindmap of possible recipes depending on ingredients or leftovers available (practical when there is not much left in the fridge); a mindmap of foods to buy every week, every month, every year...

I also have travel mindmaps such as an inventory sorted by type:clothes, pharmacy, toiletry bag, paperwork, etc. In short, everything is possible because everything is question of organization :my daughter's wedding, planning of family members, essential oil to apply for such ailments, gift ideas for people, mindmap of things to remember about friends...

The hidden benefits of mind mapping

From experience, I have noticed several benefits . Already, I feel much more reassured and peaceful . Everything is clear and tidy in my little head and I no longer feel like I'm running around and getting scattered.

In addition, the visual method of this tool promotes memorization . In fact, organizing my ideas clearly and in a structured way already helps me run less and not forget anything. I often add colors and symbols to make my worksheets more fun , stimulating and lively.

Finally, mindmapping is a real work of personal development , which helps me to know myself better, which promotes well-being and which reconnects me with an esteem that we lose when we are overwhelmed and feel like we are missing out.

BE CAREFUL, when you start mindmapping , we quickly become addicted to it. Don't waste your time creating thousands of records either! Go straight to the point.

Did you already know the technique of mind mapping? Share your testimonials in comments.

Savings achieved

Mindmapping mainly allows saving time . Once the form is created, everything goes faster to repeat the task. It is also an effective therapy to save energy and therefore his well-being.

Financially, let's be clear. Time is money. I no longer forget to pay my administrative costs and I avoid surcharges. I have the right reflexes in the event of small problems and I therefore prevent the problem from getting worse and causing repair costs, for example.

To help you, several free tools exist on the Internet:Mindomo, Mind42, XMind etc.