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Are you more likely to get an STI if you shave your pubic hair?

Are you more likely to get an STI if you shave your pubic hair?

Are you more likely to get an STI if you shave your pubic hair or not? The most recent research offers a solution.

Research at the University of California found that those who shaved their pubic hair were 80 percent more likely to contract a sexually transmitted disease than those who had never done so. This would be due to the wounds that shaving can cause.

Read also: 'To shave pubic hair or not:which is healthier?'

No extra risk of an STI

But a recent study at Ohio State University now shows the opposite:shaving your pubic hair does not increase the risk of an STD.

Shaving pubic hair

For the study, 214 female college students were asked about their shaving habits, sex lives and STI history. The participants were also tested for an STI between 2017 and 2018.

As many as 98 percent of those surveyed confessed to shaving their pubic hair. 54 percent did this several times a month and 18 percent had updated it several times in the past month.

More research

Nevertheless, the researchers believe that more research should be done, such as the different ways of shaving, and that more should be done about the sex lives of the respondents.