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had corona? This is how you strengthen your heart

had corona? This is how you strengthen your heart

Not only did your lungs endure a lot when you were struggling with corona, your heart probably also had to work overtime to let your body come out of the battle as strong as possible. So it definitely doesn't hurt to give your heart a helping hand. With the following tips you can keep your heart healthy and make sure it can recover.

1. Move as much as you can

Even though you probably don't feel fit enough to run full marathons, try to exercise as much as you can. For example, go for a walk or take a bike and explore the area when the weather is nice. Sitting still too much can increase the risk of blood clots and other heart problems. Professionals therefore recommend that you start with physical activities at about 50 to 60 percent of your ability and gradually build up from there. So make sure you don't overload your body, but don't sit still either!

Read also :'File the women's heart; why it is so important'

2. Eat nutritious and healthy

Of course it is always important to eat healthy. But did you know that healthy and nutritious food is also crucial for the functioning of your heart? Foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, fish, poultry and unsaturated fats can lower the risk of heart disease by one third. On the other hand, it is important not to consume too much dairy and to avoid all foods that are highly processed and/or fried or that contain a lot of saturated fats. Maybe you should leave that bitter garnish for a while...

3. Be alert

Although you have to quarantine at home for a while with corona complaints, you must take immediate action in case of heart problems. See your doctor if you have chest pain, shortness of breath, or experience a fast or irregular heartbeat. Then the doctor can examine your values ​​for irregularities in your blood sugars, cholesterol and triglycerides. This prevents you from continuing to deal with your complaints for too long. Who knows what consequences that could have…

4. Adjust your overall lifestyle

Of course, it's not just important to keep moving and eat healthy if you want to help your heart. It is important that your entire lifestyle is as optimal as possible, because only then can you try to prevent heart problems. Drinking too much alcohol, for example, is also not particularly good and you should also avoid smoking. The list of health problems smoking can cause is a compelling reason to quit anyway, but heart health is arguably one of the most important. In fact, quitting smoking is the most effective method of getting your heart healthier. Do you find it difficult to stop? Then look for ways to help you quit, such as wearing nicotine patches, using nicotine gum, or distracting yourself with various activities.