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9x foods that help you concentrate

9x foods that help you concentrate

Do you feel forgetful? Or are you no longer able to concentrate on what you are doing? This may be due to too little sleep or your hormones, but your diet probably also plays a major role in this. Try the following foods to get around that absent feeling in your brain and improve your concentration.

1. Whole grain products

Do you always go for white tiger bread and that delicious spaghetti? Shop the whole grain varieties of your faves next time. Whole-grain foods are low on the glycemic index. This means that these products cause your blood sugar level to rise slowly, unlike foods with a high glycemic index, which will cause your blood sugar level to spike enormously. Such a sugar rush may give you a temporary energy boost, but it will eventually make it harder for you to concentrate. With whole-grain items you prevent your body from having a sudden spike in sugars and then ending up in a sugar dip again. So stimulate your concentration by choosing a whole grain cracker or scoop more often.

Read also :'20 simple tips for a more productive life'

2. Seeds

Research shows that foods high in saturated fats can interfere with your concentration. Fortunately, seeds such as sunflower seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds and hemp seeds are packed with unsaturated fats, which help you with your concentration. So from now on, throw lots of seeds through your healthy smoothie and prepare yourself for a day of undisturbed focus.

3. Water

Drinking water not only has a positive effect on your mood, but also on your performance possibilities. Children and the elderly in particular quickly notice the effects of mild dehydration on their cognitive functions. Do you find it difficult to keep track of how much water you have drunk? Then buy a bottle that says how much water you should have drunk in a day. Stay hydrated!

4. Coffee

A cup of coffee is of course an easy way to boost to give when you need it. The caffeine in a cup of coffee has a positive effect on your alertness, concentration and moodiness. Be careful not to drink too much coffee! One or two cups provide extra energy. But are you crossing your border? Then one cup too much can make you restless and nervous. Not a coffee lover? Then try out caffeinated teas or chocolate.

5. Berries

Research shows that various berries, such as blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries, can improve your concentration level. The research group that drank a smoothie with a mix of these berries scored better on memory, concentration and flexible thinking than the group that did not receive this smoothie. So process extra berries in your smoothie, acai bowl or bowl of yogurt to be able to concentrate optimally.

6. Fatty fish

Did you know that fatty fish is also a good alternative to give your brain a helping hand? By fatty fish we mean salmon, tuna, mackerel, trout and shellfish such as oysters and mussels. These types of fish contain a lot of omega-3 fats and therefore stimulate your memory and other brain activities. Don't you like fish or do you think a breakfast with salmon doesn't sound so appealing? Then opt for a daily supplement of fish tablets. You will also find more than enough omega-3 fats in these capsules.

7. Walnuts

In general, nuts are good for your brain, but research shows that walnuts are the best in this. Eating walnuts regularly stimulates your brain functions, improving your attention span, processing speed and execution. And it's an easy snack for behind the computer!

8. Bell pepper

Maybe you should use bell peppers more often in your meals. Bell peppers contain a lot of vitamin C, which is not only good for your immune system, but also for your cognition and your stress level. Is bell pepper not quite your thing? Do not worry. By eating more fruits and vegetables alone, you greatly stimulate your concentration and motivation. So opt for a delicious fruit salad or vegetable wrap as a snack instead of a peanut butter sandwich.

9. Tea

Not only the caffeine in tea is beneficial for your memory and cognition. Tea also contains an amino acid called theanine. Research shows that, thanks to theanine, tea drinkers were able to focus their attention better than coffee drinkers. And tea comes with another advantage:there are a lot of flavors to choose from!