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Despite discontinuation, gynecologists still perform hymen repair operations

Despite discontinuation, gynecologists still perform hymen repair operations

Last Wednesday, Minister De Jonge wrote in a letter to Parliament that it was agreed with the trade association of gynecologists not to perform hymen repair operations. And yet gynecologists continue to do it in extreme cases…

The government finds hymen repair operations harmful practices that do not match the norms and values ​​of Dutch society. If the interventions are nevertheless carried out, the cabinet is considering a ban.

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More information

The chairman of the Dutch Association for Obstetrics and Gynecology (NVOG) agrees with the minister that you should not perform this procedure, but does think that you should talk to women and provide good information about alternatives.

Private clinics

According to Van Lith, the procedure is only performed a few times a year and most operations are performed at commercial private clinics. and