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Health insurance 2021:tips you still need to know!

Everyone in our country is obliged to take out health insurance. So it is a fixed expense item that everyone has. However, the mandatory part only applies to the basic insurance that covers the costs of necessary care for you.

If you want to have more costs covered, you can put together a more extensive health insurance policy yourself. It is of course great that healthcare is very well organized in our country, but you still want to see how you can pay as little money as possible. In this article I will tell you some useful tips on how you can save on your 2021 health insurance.

Care wishes for the coming year

Everyone has their own personal care needs. One person thinks basic insurance is enough, but the other wants to have all healthcare costs insured. Before you start looking for a suitable health insurance policy, it is important to map out for yourself which health care wishes you have.

For example, if you have a disease for which you need a lot of medication or if you often suffer from health problems, you will have more healthcare costs than the average Dutch person. Write everything down so that you have a nice overview for yourself and can ultimately choose the best health insurance.

Determine your own risk

In the Netherlands you are obliged to pay 385 euros deductible, but you can increase this amount to 885 euros. If you expect that you will have almost no healthcare costs, you can increase your deductible considerably. This will reduce your monthly costs enormously, but there is of course a chance that you will have to pay more money somewhere next year.

Don't be afraid to switch

When you know exactly what kind of health insurance you want, it is up to you to find the cheapest health insurance for your personal situation. Fortunately, it is very easy to compare health insurance policies online these days. By simply entering your details and wishes, you will get a nice overview of all health insurance policies that meet your wishes.

This way you can compare the different health insurance policies and you can be sure that you will not pay too much in the coming year. You can often take out the new health insurance directly via this comparison site and you will occasionally also receive a nice discount. This makes it extra easy for you as a consumer.

Pay your healthcare premium in one go

Many people pay a premium to their health insurer every month. However, with many insurers you can also choose to pay once and be covered for a whole year. If you pay annually, there is a good chance that the health insurer will give you a discount on the annual amount. This discount will quickly add up to tens of euros!

Saving on your health insurance is a lot easier than most people think. Compare your current health insurance quickly, because you only have until December 31 to find a new health insurance. It would be a shame if you pay unnecessarily too much money next year!