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What is the function of body odor?

What is the function of body odor?

Unwanted body odor is quite a turn off. But what makes someone smell good or not? And what is the function of body odor?

Jasper de Groot is a postdoctoral researcher at the department of social, health and organizational psychology at Utrecht University. He investigates the relationship between smell and emotions.

“Scent tells you:can I approach something or someone or should I leave?” he says. “When something smells sweet and good, we know:this is healthy, we can eat this. If something smells bad or bad, we know:this makes us sick, let's leave this alone. With body odors there is another function, namely social communication.”

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“Scent, for example, is a means with which you can warn someone:watch out, there is danger! The advantage of scent is that you can say something while you are no longer there, because your body can give off a certain scent that can linger in a room. Another advantage of scent is that you can also use it in a dark or noisy environment. You may not be able to hear or see each other, but you can smell it.”

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“Several studies have shown that we can pick up the smell of anxious people in a subconscious, indirect way. The same seems to apply to disgust and euphoria. So we can not only see emotions, but also smell them.”

Read more about body odor? You can find a complete file about it in the February issue of Santé.

Source:Santé February, text:Fleur Baxmeier