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Dry January:how healthy is not drinking alcohol for a month?

Dry January:how healthy is not drinking alcohol for a month?

Are you participating in Dry January? It is already mid-January and you may already be noticing some changes in your body. The trend first introduced in the UK in 2013 is becoming more and more popular and these are its health benefits.

Small physical benefits

After a month of not drinking alcohol, you will notice that this has a number of physical benefits. This way you have more energy, you may lose a few kilos, you feel fitter and you will sleep better. These benefits can quickly disappear if you reach for alcohol again in February.

Read also: 'The benefits of drinking less alcohol'

Long-term behavioral changes

An alcohol break also has a long-term effect. First you will notice what kind of habit it was/is to grab a glass of alcohol. Not only because you feel like it at that moment, but because people around you also drink alcohol. After a month of not drinking alcohol, you will become more aware of alcohol consumption. If you start drinking again after January, then Dry January didn't make much sense. Try to become aware of your alcohol consumption in January and limit your consumption to drinking only on weekends.

Risk of cancer

When processing alcohol, the body produces breakdown products that are referred to as eight types of cancer. Because alcohol contains a lot of calories, it is often associated with being overweight. This also increases the risk of cancer. Maybe reduce your alcohol consumption after all?

Positive effect

Dry January has a positive effect on society. If you don't drink, you were more likely to be seen as a fun-spoiler. Dry January makes drinking no alcohol less of a taboo. You will notice that nowadays you are less looked at when you order a spa red instead of a glass of wine.