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Derivative bath:cooling your crotch for better health, is it really useful?

Derivative bath:cooling your crotch for better health, is it really useful? This natural method, which consists of cooling the crotch using cold water or frosted pockets , is becoming trendy again to fight against fatigue, improve digestion and eliminate bad fats. But do we really have to go through this?

It is not a grandmother's remedy but a lifestyle practice, according to navigator France Guillain who has brought the derivative bath up to date in France. This natural method, which consists of cooling the crotch with cold water or frosted pockets, is becoming trendy again.

"Our ancestors did not wear underwear that kept their intimate area warm. They walked a lot with their crotch in the air. Their sweat slipped towards the folds of the groin and the perineum", explains this life enthusiast natural, author of The derivative bath (ed. of the Rock). By evaporating, the sweat always kept their perineum cool. This local coolness, combined with the friction generated by walking, would promote the mobility of the fascia (connective tissue) and the intestine.

Result:transit would be boosted, more toxins expelled and hard fat put back into circulation.

Fans of derivative baths are very present on the Web

Testimonials on the benefits of derivative baths abound on the Internet. Some followers claim to have lost many pounds, others have seen their lipomas (fat cysts) melt away or their joint pain disappear. All congratulate themselves on no longer being constipated, on having regained the shape and skin of a baby.

But since no scientific studies have been done on the subject, these claims can hardly be validated or thwarted.

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What should we think of the derivative bath?

From a physiological point of view, it is certain that cooling the crotch and upper thighs stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation. The sensations of heavy legs are therefore necessarily reduced. The thermal difference also facilitates the evacuation of stools, resulting in better waste disposal. But from there to affirming that the derivative baths attenuate the general inflammation of the body, there is a difficult step to cross.

On her site, France Guillain herself affirms that this practice “cannot produce any miracle on its own, nor make you lose weight or restore the hormonal system”. To obtain results, she says, you have to apply all the principles of her Method:eat intelligently, make balanced meals by consuming everything and in reasonable quantities, exercise in the open air, etc. With or without a bath. derivative, these common sense tips necessarily provide positive effects on the silhouette and health.

I'm still tempted, how do I make a derivative bath?

The derivative baths do not present any danger, there is no risk in trying. The process is very simple:in a squatting position over a basin (or a bidet), a damp glove is passed over the perineum and the inguinal folds from front to back, for 15 to 20 minutes minimum. These intimate ablutions can also be performed by hand, as women once did on the banks of a river. Attention:the water must be cold, but not freezing, and the rest of the body very hot to create a temperature differential. Don't hesitate to put on a big sweater and socks.

The modern version of the derivative baths uses pockets of special gel (Yokool®) that you slip into the bottom of your panties – like a sanitary napkin – to give your perineum a boost while you go about your business. usual). The ideal is to use them at least 3 hours a day, according to France Guillain, changing them about every ½ hour, 3 to 4 times a week minimum. For more comfort, it is better to wrap the pockets in several layers of fabric or paper towel. No need to try with a thong, they don't last... unless you wear very tight pants over it.

The practice is not recommended during the first trimester of pregnancy, after surgery (wait at least 6 months), as well as for people with a pacemaker.