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What is a lazy eye?

What is a lazy eye?

You may have heard the term lazy eye, but what does it actually mean?

A lazy eye (amblyopia) can in principle see, but due to a missing or weakened connection with the brain, the eye does not. As a result, someone with a lazy eye only sees through one eye in practice. The problem arises when the eye does not develop properly in childhood. In the Netherlands, all children are checked for a lazy eye. The lazy eye can be trained and its treatment is most effective if it is started as early as possible.

How does a lazy eye develop?
A lazy eye often arises because the brains of both eyes receive a different image. This can occur if someone squints or if one eye is larger. The brain finds it difficult to reconcile those two different images and resolves that 'confusion' by ignoring the image of one eye.

Did you know… 4 in 100 adults have a lazy eye.