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Avocado seeds:to eat or not to eat?

Avocado seeds:to eat or not to eat?

Lately you may have seen it more often on the internet:the avocado pit is also edible. But is it a good idea to eat the kernel? Nutritionist Anita Mulderij tells more about it.

Anita Mulderij: 'In addition to the deliciously creamy greens that we like to throw in our salads and crush them on toast, the pit of the avocado has been increasingly in the spotlight lately. The kernel would also be full of nutrients – in fact, the kernel would contain more than the green fruit itself. You can dry the kernels, cut them into pieces and then grind them into a powdery substance. Ideal to give your smoothie or baking that extra healthy boost! But is that really so? Eating avocado seeds – why or why not?

Avocado vs. avocado seeds The health benefits of eating avocados are well known. Avocados are packed with healthy fats, minerals, antioxidants, vitamins and fiber. According to many articles on the internet, the pit is therefore even healthier. Still, you should be careful with this assumption. More research has now been done into the nutrients hidden in the kernel. But too little is known about whether it can also harm our health.

Nutritional value of the kernel?
It is clear that not just anything can be said about these round, brown seeds. There is still far too little research done to say that it is really good for your health to eat these. Research has been done to determine the nutritional values ​​of the kernel, but this is not entirely correct. In these studies it is not so much about the kernel, but about the kernel extracts. There is, of course, another difference.

Not for consumption?
In addition to the fact that little research has been done, it is also said that the avocado pit contains elements that are not suitable for human consumption. As a human being, you can't eat everything, no matter how natural or plant-based. After all, we didn't have any machines to grind the seeds with, so we only ate the fruit. The tentative conclusion that you can wisely draw from this is this:leave those pips alone for now. Concentrate on the deliciously soft flesh instead!'

This article is contributed by Anita from Also read her article:Do you eat more when you are stressed?