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Microbirthing:Dangerous Trend?

Microbirthing:Dangerous Trend?

British doctors warn parents and doctors about the birth trend microbirthing.

What is microbirthing?
In microbirthing, a swab from the birth canal is applied to the mouth and eyes of the baby who was born by Caesarean section. The idea is that this is good for the baby's resistance, it should help prevent allergies and obesity, but doctors warn against the dangers of the trend.

Why is microbirthing dangerous?
If a woman unknowingly carries a disease, she can pass it on to the baby. This concerns, for example, herpes, streptococci, chlamydia or gonorrhea. There is too little evidence that microbirthing works, but the danger of transmitting a disease is there. Doctors should reject the request for microbirthing, is the advice.

Have you heard of microbirthing?