Family Best Time >> Health

Well, then you should move more and eat less, said the Man here

oops. Last week, my always-oh-so-sweet-but-sometimes-thoughtless-husband kicked my soul a little. I was complaining that the pounds just don't want to come off. He shouted:'Well, then you have to exercise more and eat less, huh † Ouch.

Of course he's right, I get that. But it would be so nice if at a moment like this he would grab me, stroke my hair gently, look at me deeply and say 'Honey, it doesn't matter, I love you anyway you † Unfortunately. That only seems to occur in those shitty novels 😛 .

Table of contents

Move more and eat less

It's easier said than done. That more exercise and less food. I think. I don't know about you, but my day really flies by. Before I know it, it's time to cook dinner again. Then of course I crawl behind my PC for a while because I haven't finished my work yet, and then I would also like to watch Netflix next to the Man on the couch at 23.00 in the evening. Is that too much to ask?

Am I moving too little?

I can admit that I don't move enough. I wish it were different but I a) am not a sports fan and b) just really don't have enough hours in a day.

On average I take about 8000 steps a day. And I have to do my best for that, because I spend most of the day sitting in front of my PC. If I'm not cooking food, vacuuming, volunteering or doing one of those other hundreds of things that happen in a week.

An advantage; My volunteer work does benefit more exercise. After all, I have to feed all the animals and also keep the pasture a bit clean. That means walking. And that makes my phone with built-in pedometer happy.

Am I eating too much?

New. I can actually be quite sure about that. In addition, I try to eat reasonably consciously, but I am also a huge Burgundian who loves tasty things. So I also sin regularly. With the children, nice and cozy. And a glass of wine, yes. I like that too.

But I start the morning with a healthy bowl of cottage cheese and an apple (which I sometimes grab as a snack instead of in the cottage cheese). For lunch I eat two brown carbohydrate sandwiches. Sometimes with a fried egg. Other times with something sweet, but never very thick. And in the evening I just eat dinner, which normally (if we're not having a weird day) is just decent, normal food.

One of the culprits will be the evening snack I'm afraid. By snack I mean, for example, a piece of cheese or something. When netflixing. I used to drink a glass of wine with that, but I haven't done that for a year now. Drinking wine during the week is more the exception than the regular. And that's good.

So where I think my biggest problem lies is moving more, which is not so easy and the fact that I am in the early menopause. I may still be very cozy, don't have many hot flashes and have few night sweats… the pounds that want but not come down.

How much do I weigh then?

Let me start with my height. I am 1.67 m tall. Where I weighed around 61 kg before my pregnancies, there (duhuh) some fat remained after the pregnancies. I admit. Say about 4-5 kg. In recent years my weight has fluctuated between 66 and 67 kg. I wasn't really happy with it, but it worked. Except that I no longer like to appear in a bikini, I still felt quite ok.

In the past six months, however, I have been over 70 kg all this time. In fact… I've had months that I saw the 73 kg on the scale. And that made me really unhappy. That, and the image in the mirror.

Now I understand that there are people who would be happy with 73 kg clean on the hook, but they probably come from a different weight. It just happens to me and I don't see it happening 'by itself'. Not even with a balance day in between.

So it has to be different. But how? Well… this is what I got started on this past week.

Move more, the Myfitnesspal, Foodsisters and Today Beginikecht

In the past week I was suddenly able to switch the switch.

Move more through Crossfit and walking

I started Crossfit again, where I hadn't shown myself in 6 weeks. My goodness ... I have been crooked for two days from the muscle pain 😉 . In addition, I will take more long walks with the dog. Then less time to vacuum or something, but my body now comes first. Although… vacuuming is also good for your calorie consumption, maybe I'm doing it too little at all!'


In addition, I downloaded the MyFitnesspal app on my phone and I register every calorie that comes in. Just because I want to know what I'm actually eating. I want to become more aware of my choices. For example, what does that extra cappuccino do for me? So 45 extra calories. He does. In this app I can also register my movement, which means that I 'gain' some calories to consume that day. I will tell you more about it shortly.


I ran into these ladies through a sponsored post on Facebook 😉 . A kind of Green Happiness but different. The only difference is that these dishes - in addition to being low in carbohydrates - are also easy to make. And that the ingredients are available at the supermarket.

Curious as I am, I want to try that of course. You get that. Oh yeah, and they have protein bread, seems to be a lot better too.

Anyway. We'll all see, because I received the box yesterday and so I'm going to go through the options and get to work today. Not that I'm going to follow it strictly, no, I want to use it to develop a healthy eating pattern that is also easy to maintain.

Today I really start

So in the past week I have sort of started forcing myself to move differently and eat less. Am I hungry for something? Then I cut a bell pepper into pieces. For lunch, for example, I eat an egg with an avocado. For dinner I make cauliflower rice or cauliflower risotto, and so on.

The start has been made.

And what's so nice… I feel stimulated by a number of other bloggers who are also working with me on exercising more, eating less, a healthier lifestyle and so on. Pauline, Melissa, Sharon, Karen and Tamara also want to work.

So we thought… let's join forces. Then we can cheer each other up a bit if necessary, stimulate with new ideas and help with tasty recipes.

A kind of digital chocolate bar

Are you through? Then this group is there to give you a push in the right direction. With a wink, yes. After all, we're only human. A kind of digital chocolate bar.

Would you also like to set the same kind of goal for yourself? Move more, in whatever way. Maybe eat less, or just eat healthier? Then join us! Together with this group of ladies we set up the Facebook page 'Today I really start'. To help each other, to stimulate and to lose ourselves every now and then.

Because dieting together is more fun than alone!

Will you join us? I would really like it. Join the group and we will all make 2018 a great year in terms of our own body! It's not going to happen to me again that the Man here says… 'then you should move more and eat less ‘…ammehula!

I started at 71.9 kilos and was at 70.6 this morning… the start is made!

Let me know in a comment if you're going to participate? xxx