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4 Effective Ways To Reduce Belly Fat

You know what it's like when you're wearing a crop top or form-fitting outfit:you're holding your stomach and your breath and you think you can hold this pose as long as you're in this setup...until you have to sit down. That bulging belly fat that comes out when we sit, PFF. The sitting position is not very flattering – even people who look very toned and fit can get a bulging stomach when they sit down. Known as a muffin top, the belly fat around your waist isn't just an aesthetic issue; abdominal fat (also known as visceral fat) has a strong link with diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. This is why doctors ask their patients to lose excess fat around their waist for health reasons. In general, anything above 102 cm in men and 88 cm in women is considered abdominal obesity. This means that even if you have a healthy BMI but a fat waist, you are still medically at risk for certain diseases.

4 effective ways to reduce belly fat
Now if you're self-consciously looking at your own muffin top - hey, stop staring and start doing something to get rid of it! There are several proven ways that will definitely help to reduce that annoying belly roll.

1. Leave that sugar out
Having a cookie after lunch today? Well, better leave that out. You probably don't know this:added sugar is 50% fructose, a substance that can only be metabolized by the liver. This means that every time you ingest large amounts of added sugars, you overload your liver. And when your liver can't metabolize fructose, it's forced to convert it into fat, which accumulates in the abdomen and liver. Fortunately, the solution is simple:go for low-sugar options and if you still want to enjoy sweet treats, do it less often.

Important Note: Don't let less obvious sugary drinks like fruit juices and sports drinks be your downfall. They may sound like they're good for your body, but they're also high in added sugars.

2. Consume more protein and avoid carbohydrates  Most people who prepare their own meals to lose weight know that including protein in the meal plan can help them feel full for longer. Consuming protein not only boosts your metabolism, there is also evidence that it is effective in reducing belly fat. In fact, one study shows that eating more protein-rich foods can help reduce the risk of belly fat gain over the course of five years.
While protein is an ally for burning belly fat, refined carbohydrates and oils are the biggest culprits for to add to your muffin top. What are Refined Carbohydrates? We are talking about foods like white bread and white rice. To keep feeling full without refined carbohydrates, replace carbohydrates with proteins. But if you really can't live without carbs, consider unrefined carbs like brown rice and whole wheat bread. Low-carb diets are great for preventing type 2 diabetes, so there's definitely good motivation to stick to them.

Hint: When planning your meals, try to ensure that 25-30% of the calories consumed come from protein. Good high-protein foods include whole eggs, fish, seafood, legumes, nuts, meat, and dairy products. Be creative and you can make many delicious meals with these ingredients!

3. Go for fiber-rich food
You probably already know that high-fiber foods can help with your bowel movements. But did you know it can also help you feel fuller and suppress your appetite? Here's why:viscous and soluble fiber binds with water to form a thick gel that "sits" in the gut, slowing the movement of food through your digestive system, speeding up digestion and absorption. nutrients is moderated. In addition, studies also suggest that soluble fiber is good at reducing belly fat. Now that you know the importance of having fiber in your diet, go ahead and add fiber-rich food sources such as leafy greens, legumes, and oats to your meal plan!

4. Plan training in your schedule Staying active is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and certainly has a strong link to reducing belly fat. The main obstacle that keeps most people from exercising? Bad discipline and lack of time. Consider finding an exercise buddy who has similar fitness goals so you can encourage each other to train together. To solve this last problem, look for opportunities to exercise during lunch or at home; signing up for a gym near your work or home certainly helps too!