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restless legs

restless legs

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is harmless, but it can really hurt you. You suffer from an unpleasant feeling in your legs, which only decreases when you move your legs.

What causes Restless Legs? It is unclear what exactly caused the complaints. It is suspected that there is a link between Restless Legs and dopamine, which disrupts the balance for the transmission of signals between the nerves. The symptoms of RLS often appear in the evening and at night. When RLS keeps you awake, it can have a big impact on your daily life.

Risk groups
Women are more likely to suffer from Restless Legs than men. The chance of RLS is greater after you are 45 and heredity can play a role. Furthermore, RLS is more common in pregnant women.

What can you do against Restless Legs? The symptoms are made worse by drinking caffeine and alcohol. Some medications such as antidepressants can also cause the symptoms. You can try to reduce the symptoms by exercising regularly, drinking less coffee and alcohol and stopping smoking.

Do you suffer from RLS a lot?
The GP can check whether the iron content, folic acid, glucose and magnesium are at the right level and prescribe medication if necessary.