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Are your shoes hurting your feet? My Tip for Enlarging them.

Are your shoes hurting your feet? My Tip for Enlarging them.

Do your shoes hurt your back? Are they hugging you?

Do you have pain in your heels? Are your feet and toes getting more and more painful?

This often happens with new shoes...

But don't leave your prettiest pumps at the back of a closet!

Here is my trick to widen your shoes without going through the cobbler box!

My tip for turning them into slippers!

Are your shoes hurting your feet? My Tip for Enlarging them.

I can see your horrified look from here, and yet... This dancing trick was given to me by a friend who swears by this comfort reflex.

Since I use this trick, no more pain in my feet behind or on the side, I can bring out some shoes that I was desperate to put on or put back on!

The first thing to point out is that we are talking about leather shoes. This is indeed a grandmother's remedy for softening leather shoes.

The other materials have not been tested, I cannot guarantee the same result.

How to

1. I need a plastic bag

Are your shoes hurting your feet? My Tip for Enlarging them.

Of course, you are not going to put your shoes directly in the freezer, a question of leather protection and hygiene. So use a plastic bag, big enough to put your pair of shoes in, which you close tightly.

2. A limited time in the freezer

You only leave your shoes in the freezer for a limited time, just long enough for them to be cold. It can range from 30 min to 1 hour. No more, no less.

3. Result:ice cube effect and relaxation of the leather

Are your shoes hurting your feet? My Tip for Enlarging them.

You take out your shoes and put them on immediately. The ice cube effect is guaranteed, which can relieve you from the heat of summer and the heavy legs that go with it.

The most difficult thing is to resist this striking cold which, fortunately, does not last long. Your own body temperature warms the leather which gradually relaxes and takes the shape of your foot. You put on real slippers at the end!

Do not be afraid to repeat this technique regularly to enlarge and soften your shoes to the maximum.

Goodbye shoemaker fees!

This trick allows me to save the shoemaker (from 5 to 10 € on average to ask to widen your shoes), but above all, my new post-sales shoes no longer make me suffer.