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The secret of slim people

The secret of slim people

Researchers may have discovered the secret of slim people. The people who can eat anything they want and still not gain weight…

It has everything to do with the nnmt enzyme, an enzyme that regulates the conversion of energy in adipose tissue.

Less nnmt enzyme
For the study, mice were treated with an agent that shuts down the enzyme in fat and liver cells. The mice were given more fatty food during that period, but they did not gain weight because less of the enzyme was produced.

Activity in cells The oxygen consumption also turned out to be higher, which means, according to the researchers, that the mice stored less fat and burned more. This is because the molecules in a cell are broken down and rebuilt. A pointless process that does require energy.

Rapid metabolism According to the researchers, this proves that people who eat a lot and stay slim have the advantage of a fast metabolism. Now that it has been discovered which enzyme this is associated with, the researchers hope that this could lead to a treatment for obesity.

Sander Kersten, professor of molecular nutrition at Wageningen University, wonders whether you can let your body waste energy in order to stay slim. Your body weight is related to so many factors. In addition, it is questionable whether the results we see in mice can also be applied in humans.