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dry air

dry air

In winter we burn more to keep our house at a pleasant temperature. The humidity is therefore lower, so that you can suffer from dry air.

Dry air is caused by low humidity. The heating is usually the culprit.

Not everyone suffers from too dry air. In general, people with allergies and asthma are more prone to it. The complaints you can get from dry air are, for example:a stinging throat, dry cough, dry and flaky skin, cracked lips, headache, fatigue and concentration problems.

How do you know if the air is too dry?
You can measure the humidity with a hygrometer. The ideal value is between 40 and 60 percent.

How do you tackle dry air?
Make sure more moisture is released in your house:cook without an extractor hood, remove the lid from your pans and open the bathroom door after showering. It also doesn't hurt to turn the heating down a degree (also good for the energy bill!). It is also important to air your house regularly, so that fresh air comes in. If nothing helps, a humidifier can be a solution.

Did you know that…
Too high humidity is much more common than too low humidity.
