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A Dry Shampoo to Wash Your Hair?

A Dry Shampoo to Wash Your Hair?

You are dreaming in front of this beautiful blonde from the ad who seems in perfect osmosis with her shower gel?

However, you're lazy when it's up to you to make the ultimate effort to shampoo yourself...

A dry shampoo, that's the solution.

Wash your hair?

In the evening after an exhausting day at work, or in the morning when it's cold and you would stay well under the duvet, you don't mind getting your hair wet and washing it, then drying it.

We could advise you to stay as you are, but we would be afraid that after a few days your social relations will be affected. What to do?

No, use a dry shampoo!

Many brands now offer dry soaps and shampoos. These products usually consist of natural elements (starch powders that absorb sebum from the skin and hair).

Their effectiveness and cleaning power are no longer to be proven! Very simple and quick to use, these products work miracles. Without water, without drying, you apply, you rub and presto, you are clean.

Have you also adopted the dry shampoo solution? Let us know your opinion in the comments.

A Dry Shampoo to Wash Your Hair?

Savings achieved

Buying these cheap and practical cosmetics, which do not use water, you will save a lot of money.

A couple consumes an average of 58 m3 of water per year for showering and bathing, i.e. 29% of the total household water consumption.

Imagine the positive impact on your bill by reducing it by 29%! Well it's true that you won't stop washing yourself completely but all the same;-).

As a bonus, you save time, and as the saying goes, time is money!