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10 winter ailments with solutions

10 winter ailments with solutions

This is how you solve the most common winter ailments.

Winter Ailment 1:Static Hair
A handy trick against static hair is rubbing a dryer sheet over your hair. It is better to use a wooden comb than a plastic brush, because plastic makes your hair even more statically charged.

Winter ailment 2:Dry hair
Washing your hair less often makes it less dry. More tips against dry hair.

Winter ailment 3:Chilblains hands and feet
Wear warm socks, shoes and gloves when going outside and keep moving. Take care of your skin with a greasy cream and place a humidifier in the house if the air is too dry.

Winter Ailment 4:Dry Lips
Try not to lick your lips, it will only dry them out further. In addition, use a nourishing lip balm, preferably without smell and taste.

Winter ailment 5:Dry hands Take good care of your hands by rubbing them regularly throughout the day. Provide them with an extra thick layer of cream before going to sleep.

Winter ailment 6:Dry skin
The whole skin actually has a hard time in winter. Read our tips against dry skin.

Winter ailment 7:Cold
When everyone around you is sniffling, you often cannot escape it yourself. Colds are even more common in winter. Take care of yourself:get enough sleep, wash your hands regularly and eat healthy.

Winter ailment 8:Low energy
The fact that you have little energy may be due to the fact that you see less daylight in the dark months. As a result, you can get too little vitamin D. Try to go outside in daylight more often.

Winter ailment 9:Don't feel like exercising Whether it's because of the cold or because we have less energy, in winter we have less motivation to exercise. We have heard from a reliable source that we are not the only one with this problem. With these 5 tips you can keep up with sports in the winter.

Winter Ailment 10:Tear Eyes
Tears are streaming down your cheeks on the bike. Cold and harsh wind can provoke tearful eyes, but your eyes also react to dry air due to the heating. Drink plenty of water to maintain the fluid balance in your body. Hang a humidifier in the house to make the air less dry. Do you really suffer from tear eyes? Drip your eyes with a saline solution.