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Dieting together

Dieting together

Are you planning to start watching your weight in 2014? Then join forces with a friend. Dieting together increases the chance that you will keep it up.

When your girlfriend asks how things are going, you naturally want to be able to give a positive answer. In addition, you can support each other and that makes it easier to persevere.

More success
Research shows that of women who die alone, 80 percent gain it back in the first months after weight loss. Among women who followed a diet together, this is only the case in one in three.

Strict diet
Half of the women follow a diet less strictly after a week. A fifth succumbs to unhealthy temptations after two weeks. 71 percent are convinced that working together leads to more success.

Do you prefer to line alone or with a friend?

Source:Dailymail | Image:Shutterstock