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5 Misconceptions About Bread.

5 Misconceptions About Bread.

Wholemeal bread, white bread or French toast, it is an ally of our food.

However, we have said everything and anything about bread.

Especially that it was fattening.

Finally say goodbye to 5 misconceptions about bread.

5 Misconceptions About Bread.

1. Does bread make you fat?

The answer is no. It is wrongly pointed out. In our regimes, he is not our enemy. As with other foods, it's the amount we eat that makes you fat.

Bread is one of the starches that we must consume on a daily basis. Instead of adding it up, simply reduce the amount of other starches you may be eating too much of.

Prefer wholemeal bread which, unlike white bread, full of starch, does not give a new feeling of hunger a few hours later. And be careful what you add to it when you eat it.

2. Is it better than cereal for breakfast?

The answer is yes. And it's Nina Cohen-Koubi, nutritionist doctor in Paris, who says it:"bread maintains a higher and longer blood sugar level than cereals, with which you get hungry quite quickly."

Industrial cereals contain too much sugar without satiating. For breakfast, Madame Cohen-Koubi recommends 1/3 of a white baguette or 3 slices of wholemeal bread.

3. Is the sandwich a balanced dish?

5 Misconceptions About Bread.

The answer is again YES. Bread is a starch, as we have already said. If we add the proteins contained in ham or a slice of meat, plus raw vegetables, we get a complete meal.

The main thing, as with any other meal, is not to add too many sauces to it and to drink a glass of water or a fruit juice rather than a soda to accompany it. And, for dessert:fruit instead of a pastry.

You can eat it up to 3 times a week.

4. Does bread facilitate intestinal transit?

The answer is no. The fibers in bread do not participate in transit like those you find in fruits and vegetables.

Even wholemeal bread and excellent hydration do not achieve the same result as fruits or vegetables. But it can help. Just make sure you don't have any intolerance to wholemeal bread, as this is more common than you might think.

5. Is the ideal snack bread and chocolate?

The answer is no. Eating a few squares of chocolate is okay. We prefer it black, because it is less greasy than the others, and in small quantities.

But it is better to eat 1 or 2 slices of bread and a yoghurt or an apple than a third of a baguette and several chocolate bars.

A snack is preferably 1 dairy + 1 fruit. Bread can replace dairy.

Here is. You know a little more about the received ideas about bread.